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UNIT 11. Antenatal Care. Confirming the Pregnancy


Exercise 1. Answer the questions.

1. What questions should the future mom is asked at the first antenatal visit?

2. How often should a pregnant woman have antenatal visits?

3. Is it useful to attend antenatal classes?

Exercise 2. Describe the meaning of the statement: "Keeping an eye on the woman's health is vital for her baby".

Exercise 3. Read the text and say if the following statements are true (T) or

false (F).

1. Antenatal care is the care which the woman gets from midwives, doctors and if required specialist doctors.

2. If a woman suspects that she is pregnant, she has a pregnancy test with akit obtained from a pharmacy.

3. After confirmation of the pregnancy, the doctor will arrange for antenatal care.

4. Most women have their first and longest antenatal check-up between weeks 6 and 10 of pregnancy.

5. The antenatal check-ups should be attended once a month until 28 weeks, then twice a month until 36 weeks of pregnancy.

6. During the last 6 weeks of the pregnancy, the woman should go every week.

7. Most doctors prefer to use an ultrasound at the first visit.

8. Antenatal classes help the women to prepare physically and emotionally for the birth of their babies.


Antenatal care is the care which the woman gets during pregnancy from midwives, doctors and if required specialist doctors. It is important to attend

these appointments. They keep an eye on the woman's health, well-being and that of the growing baby.

The midwife or doctor providing the antenatal care will:

- check the health of the future mom and her baby;

- give useful information to help the woman have a healthy pregnancy, including advice about healthy eating and exercise;

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