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UNIT 10. Pathological Changes in Pregnancy


Exercise 1. Answer the questions:

1. Does pregnancy changes the health condition of the mother-to-be?

2. What changes are called abnormal?

3. What changes are called pathological?

Exercise 2. Describe the meaning of statement: "In pregnancy, there are two bodies, one inside the other. Two people live under one skin".

Exercise 3. Read the text and say if the following statements are true (T) or

false (F).

1. The complications occur during pregnancy always affect mother and baby?s health.

2. Pathology of pregnancy is a collective term, which includes a list of diseases and certain symptoms that occur during gestation, and ending, often after childbirth or abortion.

3. Vomiting usually begins during the first month and continues until the

10th to 18th week.

4. A miscarriage may occur because the fetus has some abnormality, because the uterus has some structural defect or because of some hormonal imbalance in the mother.

5. Rhesus (Rh) incompatibility is an incompatibility between the Rhesus blood groups of the father and the developing baby.

6. The ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg attaches itself inside the uterus.

7. Pre-eclampsia is a disease of late pregnancy in which the mother?s blood pressure rises and there is an excessive amount of fluid in the body.

8. When the implantation takes place in the upper half of the uterus it is known as placenta praevia.


During pregnancy, the body goes through a tremendous set of changes to help the baby grow. Sometimes complications occur which can affect mother and baby's health. Pathology of pregnancy is a collective term, which includes a list of diseases and certain symptoms that occur during gestation, and ending, often after childbirth or abortion. They are toxicosis of pregnancy, threatened miscarriage, Rhesus (Rh) incompatibility, ectopic pregnancy, pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, the stunted baby's development, placenta prae-via, fetal placenta inefficiency, chronic intrauterine fetal hypoxia, fetal growth inhibition etc.

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UNIT 10. Pathological Changes in Pregnancy
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