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Рис. 593. Положение эндокринных желез в теле человека (общая схема эндокринной системы):

1 - Pituitary gland; Epiphysis; 2 - Parathyroid glands; 3 - Thyroid gland; 4 - Suprarenal glands; Adrenal glands; 5 - Pancreatic islets; 6 - Ovary; 7 - Testis

Рис. 594. Гипоталамус и средний мозг, вид снизу:

1 - Aqueduct of midbrain; Cerebral aqueduct; 2 - Red nucleus; 3 - Substantia nigra; 4 - Cerebral peduncle; 5 - Hypothalamus; 6 - Infundibulum; 7 - Optic nerve [II]; 8 - Optic chiasm; Optic chiasma; 9 - Tuber cinereum; 10 - Mammillary body; 11 - Optic tract; 12 - Lateral geniculate body

Рис. 595. Топография гипоталамуса и гипофиза, вид снизу:

1 - Pons; 2 - Labyrinthine artery; 3 - Posterior cerebral artery; 4 - Posterior communicating artery; 5 - Optic tract; 6 - Tuber cinereum; 7 - Olfactory tract; 8 - Optic chiasm; Optic chiasma; 9 - Internal carotid artery; 10 - Optic nerve [II]; 11 - Middle cerebral artery; 12 - Infundibulum; 13 - Pituitary gland; 14 - Oculomotor nerve [III]; 15 - Basilar artery (по Р.Д. Синельникову, с изменениями)

Рис. 596. Ядра гипоталамуса:

1 - Neurohypophysis; 2 - Inferior hypophysial artery (Internal carotid artery, cavernous part); 3 - Hypothalamospinal tract; 4 - Superior hypophysial artery (Internal carotid artery, cerebral part); 5 - Adenohypophysis; 6 - Portal veins of hypophysis; 7 - Optic chiasm; Optic chiasma; 8 - Optic nerve [II]; 9 - Supra-optic recess; 10 - Suprachiasmatic nucleus; 11 - Anterior hypothalamic nucleus; 12 - Preoptic nucleus; 13 - Lateral hypothalamic area; 14 - Lamina terminalis; 15 - Anterior commissure; 16 - Column of fornix; 17 - Corpus callosum, rostrum; 18 - Paraventricular nuclei of thalamus; 19 - Interventricular foramen; 20 - Fornix, body; 21 - Dorsal nucleus; 22 - Thalamus; Dorsal thalamus; 23 - Lateral hypothalamic area; 24 - Interthalamic adhesion; Massa intermedia; 25 - Choroid membrane; 26 - Choroid plexus; 27 - Stria medullaris of thalamus; 28 - Mammillotegmental fasciculus; 29 - Hypothalamic sulcus; 30 - Mammillotegmental fasciculus; 31 - Tegmental nuclei; 32 - Red nucleus; 33 - Posterior perforated substance; 34 - Nuclei of mammillary body; 35 - Posterior nucleus of hypothalamus; 36 - Ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus; 37 - Lateral tuberal nuclei and Arcuate nucleus; 38 - Paraventriculohypophysial tract; 39 - Supra-opticohypophysial tract; 40 - Supra-optic nucleus

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