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Additional illustrations

Figure 1. Typhoid maculopapular rashes in a patient with typhoid fever. Photo materials provided by the authors

Figure 2. Stool of a patient with salmonellosis. Photo materials provided by the authors

Figure 3. Dysentry, bloody-mucoid stool («rectal spit»). Photo materials provided by the authors

Figure 4. Cholera. Dehydration degree 3. Skin fold. Photo materials provided by the authors

Figure 5. Pseudotuberculosis, secondary focal form, erythema nodosum. Photo materials provided by the authors

Figure 6. Generalized yersiniosis, erythema of extremities (gloves and socks syndrome). Photo materials provided by the authors

Figure 7. Tularemia, axillary bubo. Photo materials provided by the authors

Figure 8. Anthrax (the photo from Emond R. et al. A Color Atlas of Infectious Diseases (Russian edition). M.: Praktika, 1998; the photo by Dr W.M. Jamieson). Photo materials provided by the authors

Figure 9. Scarlet fever. Punctate rashes. White dermographism (arrow). Photo materials provided by the authors

Figure 10. Erythematous-bullous erysipelas of the right shin. Photo materials provided by the authors

Figure 11. Meningococcal disease, meningococcemia, uncomplicated condition (a, b). Photo materials provided by the authors

Figure 12. Meningococcal disease, meningococcemia, severe course, infectious-toxic shock (a, b). Photo materials provided by the authors

Figure 13. Localized form of diphtheria of the oropharyngeal cavity. Photomaterials are provided by the authors

Figure 14. Diphtheritic membrane from the respiratory tract. Photo materials provided by the authors

Figure 15. Embedded ixodic tick. Carrier of Lyme borreliosis and encephalitis. Photo materials provided by the authors

Figure 16. Ixodic Lyme borreliosis. Erythema chronicummigrans. [Photo from Fitzpatricks Color Atlas and Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology (Russian edition). M.: Praktika, 2007]. Photo materials provided by the authors

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