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Categories of population subject to epidemic vaccination and vaccination procedure

Dates of epidemic vaccination

Against tularemia

Population living in tularemia enzootic areas, as well as non-residents staying in these areas involved in the following activities: agriculture, hydrotechnical amelioration, construction, other works on earth excavation and moving, harvesting, field activities, geological works, surveys, expeditions, pest control and extermination; forest procurement, wood clearing and landscaping, improvement of rest and recreation areas. Persons involved in work with living cultures of tularemia pathogen

In accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration

Against plague

Population living in plague enzootic areas. Persons involved in work with living cultures of plague pathogen

In accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration

Against brucellosis

In the foci of goat-sheep type brucellosis persons involved in the following activities: harvesting, storage, processing of raw material and livestock products from farmsteads reporting cases of brucellosis in the livestock; slaughtering of cattle with brucellosis, procurement and processing of meat and meat products from such cattle. Stock farmers, vets, animal technicians in brucellosis enzootic farmsteads. Persons involved in work with living cultures of brucellosis pathogen

In accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration

Against anthrax

Persons involved in the following activities: vets, animal technicians and other persons involved in preslaughter handling, as well as in slaughtering, skinning, butchering; collection, storage, transportation and primary processing of raw material of animal origin; agriculture, hydrotechnical amelioration, construction, other works on earth excavation and moving, harvesting, field activities, geological works, surveys, expeditions in anthrax zoonotic areas. Laboratory technicians working with the material suspicious for anthrax pathogen infection

In accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration

Against rabies

For preventive purposes immunization of people at high risk of rabies infection; staff of laboratories working with street rabies virus; vets; game keepers; hunters, foresters; persons involved in animals capture and treatment

In accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration

Against leptospirosis

Persons involved in the following works: harvesting, storage, processing of raw material and livestock products from farmsteads located in leptospirosis enzootic areas; slaughtering of cattle with leptospirosis, procurement and processing of meat and meat products from cattle with leptospirosis; capture and treatment of stray animals. Persons involved in work with living cultures of leptospirosis pathogen

In accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration

Against tickborne viral encephalitis

Population living in tick-borne viral encephalitis enzootic areas, as well as non-residents staying in these areas involved in the following activities: agriculture, hydrotechnical amelioration, construction, other works on earth excavation and moving, harvesting, field activities, geological works, surveys, expeditions, pest control and extermination; forest procurement, wood clearing and landscaping, improvement of rest and recreation areas. Persons involved in work with living cultures of tick-borne viral encephalitis pathogen. Persons visiting tick-borne viral encephalitis enzootic areas for the purpose of recreation, tourism, gardening and horticulture activities

In accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration

Table continuation

Vaccination type

Categories of population subject to epidemic vaccination and vaccination procedure

Dates of epidemic vaccination

Against Q fever

Persons involved in works on harvesting, storage, processing of raw material and livestock products from farmsteads located reporting cases of Q fever in cattle. Persons involved in in works on harvesting, storage, processing of agricultural products in Q fever enzootic areas. Persons involved in work with living cultures of Q fever pathogens

In accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration

Against yellow fever

Persons travelling abroad into yellow fever enzootic areas. Persons involved in work with living cultures of yellow fever pathogens

In accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration

Against cholera

Persons going to the countries with a high incidence of cholera. Citizens of the Russian Federation in case of aggravation of the cholera epidemiological situation in bordering countries as well as in the Russian Federation

In accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration

Against typhoid fever

Persons involved in public services and utilities provision (workers servicing sewerage systems, facilities and equipment, as well as establishments providing sanitation and cleaning service: collection, transportation and recovery of domestic waste). Persons involved in work with living cultures of typhoid fever pathogens. Population living in the areas of chronic water-borne epidemics of typhoid fever. Persons going to typhoid-hyperendemic areas and countries. Exposed persons in typhoid foci according to epidemic indications. Vaccination according to epidemic indications are administered if there is a risk of epidemic or outbreak (natural calamities, major accidents in water mains and sewerage systems), as well as the epidemic period, provided that mass immunization is carried out in the exposed area

In accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration

Against viral hepatitis А

Persons at higher professional risk of infection (doctors, nurses, service workers, staff of food processing factories and catering facilities, workers servicing water-supply and sewerage facilities, equipment and networks). Persons going to the areas and countries with outbreaks of hepatitis A. Exposed persons in the foci of hepatitis A

In accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration

Against shigellosis

Staff at the in-patient facilities of infectious diseases and bacteriological laboratories. Persons involved in catering and public services and utilities provision. Children attending childcare facilities and going to the children?s camps (if medically required). Vaccination according to epidemic indications are administered if there is a risk of epidemic or outbreak (natural calamities, major accidents in water mains and sewerage systems), as well as the epidemic period, provided that mass immunization is carried out in the exposed area. The preferable time for preventive vaccination is before a seasonal rise in shigellosis incidence

In accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration




Children, adolescents, adults at the foci of meningococcal disease caused by Meningococcus of A and C serogroups. Vaccination is carried out in endemic areas, as well as in cases of epidemic caused by Meningococcus of A and C serogroups

In accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration

Against measles

Exposed persons from the foci, who have not had measles, unvacci-nated and having no data on preventive vaccination against measles, persons who have had a single vaccination regardless their age

In accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration

End of table



Categories of population subject to epidemic vaccination and vaccination procedure

Dates of epidemic vaccination

Against hepatitis В

Exposed persons from the foci, who have not had hepatitis В, un-vaccinated and having no data on preventive vaccination against hepatitis B

In accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration

Against diphtheria

Exposed persons from the foci, who have not had diphtheria, unvac-cinated and having no data on preventive vaccination against diphtheria

In accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration

Against mumps

Exposed persons from the foci, who have not had mumps, unvacci-nated and having no data on preventive vaccination against mumps

In accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration

Against poliomyelitis

Exposed persons at polio hotspots, which includes poliomyelitis caused by wild poliomyelitis virus (or at suspicion on the disease): children from 3 months to 18 years old; medical workers. Children coming from poliomyelitis endemic (exposed) countries (areas) from 3 months to 15 years old

Single vaccination (if there is reliable information on previous vaccination) or three-time vaccination (in the absence of such data)

Persons of no fixed abode (upon detection) from 3 months to 15 years old

Single vaccination (if there is reliable information on previous vaccination) or three-time vaccination (in the absence of such data)

Persons being in contact with those who have come from poliomyelitis endemic (exposed) countries (areas), from 3 months old without age limitation

Single vaccination

Persons involved in work with living poliomyelitis virus, material infected (potentially infected) with a wild poliomyelitis virus without age limitation. Immunization against poliomyelitis according to the epidemic indications is carried out with oral poliomyelitis vaccine. Immunization of children with oral poliomyelitis vaccine is indicated upon reporting of a poliomyelitis case caused by wild poliomyelitis virus, detection of the wild poliomyelitis virus in biosamples taken from humans or natural environment. In these cases, immunization is carried out in accordance with the order of the Chief Sanitary Officer of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation which specified the age of children subject to immunization, dates, procedure and number of vaccinations

Single vaccination upon entry into employment


Vaccines used in accordance with the Epidemic Vaccination Schedule and the National Immunization Schedule can be injected on the same day with various syringes in various places on the body.

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