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Categories and age of population subject to preventive vaccination

Vaccination type

Vaccination procedure

Newborns within the first 24 hours after birth

First vaccination against viral hepatitis В

Vaccination is carried out in accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration to newborns, including those from risk groups: born from mothers who are HBsAg carriers; have viral hepatitis B or used to have viral hepatitis in the third trimester of pregnancy; fail to have hepatitis B test results; drug addicts, those whose family member is HBSAg carrier or has acute viral hepatitis B and chronic viral hepatitis (hereinafter - risk groups)

Newborns on the 3rd-7th day of birth

Vaccination against tuberculosis

For newborns vaccination is performed with the preventive vaccine for tuberculosis (for primary gentle immunization) following the instruction for vaccine administration. In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with the incidence rate over 80 per 100 thousand of population or if a newborn has family members with TB - with the preventive vaccine for tuberculosis

Infants at 1 month old

Second vaccination against viral hepatitis В

Vaccination is carried out in accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration to the children of this age group including the children from risk groups

Infants at 2 months old

Third vaccination against viral hepatitis В

Vaccination is carried out in accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration to the children from risk groups

Infants at 3 months old

First vaccination against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus

Vaccination is carried out in accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration to the children of this age group

First vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae

Vaccination is carried out in accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration to the children from risk groups: with immunodeficiency disorders or anatomic defects resulting in an extra high risk of HIV-infection; with oncohematological disease and/or those who are on long-term immunosuppressure therapy; HIV-infected or born from HIV positive mothers; residing at sheltered preschool childcare institutions (infant homes, orphanages, residential care facilities (for children with psychoneurological diseases, etc.), antituberculosis sanitary institutions). Note. Vaccination series against Haemophilus influenzae for infants at the age from 3 to 6 months consists of 3 injections/0.5 ml administered at 1-1.5 months interval. For children who have not received the first vaccination at 3 months, immunization is carried out according to the following schedule: for children at the age from 6 to12 months 2 injections/0.5 ml at 1-1.5 months; for children at the age from 1 to 5 years a single injection/0.5 ml

First vaccination against poliomyelitis

Vaccination is carried out with preventive (inactivated) vaccines for poliomyelitis in accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration

Table continuation

Categories and age of population subject to preventive vaccination

Vaccination type

Vaccination procedure

Infants at 4.5 months


Second vaccination against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus

Vaccination is carried out in accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration to the children of this age group, who have received the first vaccination at the age of 3 months

Second vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae

Vaccination is carried out in accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration to the children of this age group who have received the first vaccination at the age of 3 months

Second vaccination against poliomyelitis

Second vaccination against pneu-mococcal disease

Vaccination is carried out with preventive (inactivated) vaccines for poliomyelitis in accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration

Infants at 6 months old

Third vaccination against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus

Vaccination is carried out in accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration to the children of this age group, who have received the first and second vaccinations at the age of 3 and 4.5 months respectively

Third vaccination against viral hepatitis В

Vaccination is carried out in accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration to the children of this age group, who do not belong to the risk groups having received the first and second vaccination at the age of 0 and 1 months respectively

Third vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae

Vaccination is carried out in accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration to the children, who have received the first and second vaccination at the age of 3 and 4.5 months respectively

Third vaccination against poliomyelitis

Vaccination is carried out for children of this age group with preventive (live) vaccines for poliomyelitis in accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration. Children residing at sheltered preschool childcare institutions (infant homes, orphanages, residential care facilities (for children with psychoneurological diseases, etc.), antituberculosis sanitary institutions) are vaccinated if medically required three times with preventive vaccines for poliomyelitis (inactivated)

Infants at 12 months old

Vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps

Vaccination is carried out in accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration to the children of this age group

Fourth vaccination against viral hepatitis В

Vaccination is carried out in accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration to the children from risk groups

Table continuation

Categories and age of population subject to preventive vaccination

Vaccination type

Vaccination procedure

Children at 18 months old

First revaccination against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus

Revaccination is carried out in accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration to the children of this age group

First revaccination against poliomyelitis

Revaccination is carried out for children of this age group with preventive (live) vaccines for poliomyelitis in accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration

Revaccination against Haemophilus influenzae

Revaccination is carried out as a single dose in children vaccinated during the first year of life in accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration

Children at 20 months


Second revac-cination against poliomyelitis

Revaccination is carried out in children of this age group with preventive (live) vaccines for poliomyelitis in accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration

Children at 6 years old

Revaccination against measles, rubella, mumps

Revaccination is carried out in accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration to the children of this age group, who have received vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps

Children at 6-7 years


Second revaccina-tion against diphtheria, tetanus

Revaccination is carried out in accordance with the instructions for administration of antitoxins with reduced antigen content to the children of this age group

Children at 7 years old

Revaccination against tuberculosis

Revaccination is carried out for tuberculin-negative children of this age group who are not infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis with preventive vaccines for tuberculosis in accordance with the instructions for their administration

Children at 14 years old

Third revaccina-tion against diphtheria, tetanus

Revaccination is carried out in accordance with the instructions for administration of antitoxins with reduced antigen content to the children of this age group

Third revaccina-tion against poliomyelitis

Revaccination is carried out for children of this age group with preventive (live) vaccines for poliomyelitis in accordance with the instructions for their administration

Revaccination against tuberculosis

Revaccination is carried out for tuberculin-negative children of this age group who are not infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis with preventive vaccines for tuberculosis in accordance with the instructions for their administration. In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with the incidence rate not exceeding 40 per 100 thousand of population, revaccination against tuberculosis is performed at 14 years in tuberculin-negative children, who have not received vaccination at the age of 7

Adults over 18 years old

Revaccination against diphtheria, tetanus

Revaccination is carried out in accordance with the instructions for administration of antitoxins with reduced antigen content to adults over 18 years old every 10 years from the date of the last vaccination

End of table

Categories and age of population subject to preventive vaccination

Vaccination type

Vaccination procedure

Children from 1 year to 18 years old, adults from 18 to 55 years old, previously not vaccinated

Vaccination against viral hepatitis B

Vaccination is carried out in accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration to the children and adults of these age groups according to the schedule 0-1-6 (dose 1 - at the start of immunization, dose 2 - one month after dose 1, dose 3 - 6 month after the start of immunization)

Children from 1 year to 18 years old, girls from 18 to 25 years old

Immunization against rubella

Immunization is carried out in accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration to the children from 1 to 18 years old, who have not had rubella, unvaccinated, received one vaccination against rubella and to the girls at the age from 18 to 25, who have not had rubella or previously unvaccinated

Children from 6 months old, pupils of the 1st- 11th grades; students of higher vocational educational institutions and secondary technical schools; adults of certain professions and positions (staff of healthcare and educational institutions, transport, public utility facilities, etc.); adults over 60 years old

Vaccination against influenza

Vaccination is carried out in accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration to the population of these categories

Children at 15-17 years old and adults up to 35 years old

Immunization against measles

Immunization against measles for children at the age of 15-17 and adults under 35 years old, previously unvac-cinated, having no data on vaccination against measles and who have not had measles before is carried out in accordance with the instructions for vaccine administration twice at interval of at least 3 months between vaccinations. Those who have previously received a single vaccination are subject to a single immunization at interval of at least 3 months between vaccinations


1. Immunizations according to the National Schedule can be provided with medical immunobiological drugs that are registered in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in accordance with the instructions for administration.

2. In case of non-compliance with the immunization dates, it is carried out in accordance with the preventive immunization schedules provided by the National Immunization Schedule and the instructions for vaccine administration. Vaccines (other than vaccines for tuberculosis) used in accordance with the National Immunization Schedule can be injected simultaneously with various syringes in various places on the body.

3. For children whose mothers are HIV positive, immunization is carried out in accordance with the National Immunization Schedule and the instructions for administration of vaccines and antitoxins. Immunization of such children is made with due consideration of the child's HIV-status, vaccine type, immune status indicators, child's age and secondary diseases.

4. For children born from HIV positive mothers who have received a three-stage chemoprophylaxis of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (across pregnancy, childbirth and the neonatal period), immunization is carried out at the maternity hospital with preventive vaccines for tuberculosis (for primary gentle immunization). No vaccination against tuberculosis is given to HIV-infected children or upon detection of HIV nucleic acids by molecular methods.

5. For children born from HIV positive mothers, immunization against poliomyelitis is carried out with inactivated vaccine regardless of their HIV-status.

6. Immunization with live vaccines in accordance with the National Immunization Calendar (except for preventive vaccines for tuberculosis) is carried out for HIV-infected children of the first and second immune categories (no or moderate immunodeficiency disorder).

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