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Sociology of Medicine: textbook
Chapter 11. Gender problems in sociology of medicine
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Editorial notes
Author's preface
PART I. Subject matter in sociology of medicine Chapter 1. Goals and objectives in sociology of medicine
Chapter 2. Methodology of defi nition of object fi eld and subject matter in sociology of medicine
Chapter 3. Regularities in gnosiological analysis in sociology of medicine
Chapter 4. Institutional analysis in sociology of medicine
PART II. Sociology of medicine as a part of scientific knowledge system Chapter 5. Milestones in establishment of international and russian sociology of medicine
Chapter 6. Interdisciplinary approach as methodological basis of sociology of medicine
Chapter 7. Scientifi c schools in sociology of medicine
Chapter 8. Basic achievements and perspectives of sociology of medicine
PART III. Comparative institutional analysis of the concepts of health and disease in models and theories of individual and society Chapter 9. Biomedical model
Chapter 10. Th eories of social accord, confl ict, and the role social models
Chapter 11. Gender problems in sociology of medicine
Chapter 12. Psychoanalytical models of personality structure
Chapter 13. Phenomenology and social constructivism
Chapter 14. Interactionism and medico-sociological studies
Chapter 15. Medical anthropology
Chapter 16. Sociological theories and sociology of medicine
PART IV. Sociology of health and disease Chapter 17. Health as subject matter in sociology of medicine
Chapter 18. Modern social trends in public health
Chapter 19. Institutional changes in sociocultural pattern of health and disease
PART V. Sociology of medical science and profession Chapter 20. Sociology of medical profession
Chapter 21. Sociology of medical science
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