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Список рекомендуемой литературы

Основная литература

1. Щербина А.Ю., Пашанов Е.Д. (ред.) Иммунология детского возраста. М.: МЕДПРАКТИКА-М, 2006. 432 с.

2. Al-Herz W., Bousfiha A., Casanova J. et al. Primary immunodeficiency diseases: an update on the classification from the International Union of Immunological Societies Expert Committee for Primary Immunodeficiency // Front Immunol. 2011. Vol. 2. P. 54.

3. Ballow M., Lehrman H. Approach to the patients with recurrent infections // In: Middleton's allergy: principles and practice. 8th ed. 2014. P. 1133-1143.

4. Birdsell H. Adaptive Immunity: Antibodies and Immunodeficiencies // In: Mandel, Douglas and Bennett's principles and practice of infection diseases. 8th ed. 2015. P. 34-49.

5. Buckley R. Evalution of suspected immunodeficiency // In: Nelson textbook of pediatrics. 20th ed., 2016. Chapter 122. P. 9991006.

Дополнительная литература

1. Dolina M. Immunoglobulin A deficiency. Updated: Dec 01, 2015.http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/136580-overview

2. Holland St., Gallun J. Evaluation of the patients with suspected immunodeficiency // In: Mandel, Douglas and Bennett's principles and practice of infection diseases. 8th ed. 2015. P. 134-145. e2

3. Orange J., Glessner J., Resnick E. et al. Genome-wide association identifies diverse causes of common variable immunodeficiency // J. Allergy ClinImmunol. 2011. Vol. 127. P. 1360-1367.

4. Pannicke U., Honig M., Hess I. et al. Reticular dysgenesis (aleukocytosis) is caused by mutations in the gene encoding mito-chondrial adenylate kinase 2 // Nat Genet. 2009. Vol. 41. P. 101-105.

5. Principi N., Esposito S. Vaccine use in primary immunodeficiency disorders // Vaccine. 2014. Vol. 24, 32. N. 30. P. 3725-3731. Doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2014.05.022. Epub. 2014, May 14.

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