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Nutrition determines the duration and quality of human life. Errors in the structure of nutrition are one of the causes of many serious diseases, including cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Rational nutrition is physiologically adequate nutrition of healthy people, taking into account their gender, age, nature of work, peculiarities of climate and other factors. Rational nutrition should ensure the constancy of the internal environment (homeostasis) and maintain vital activity (growth, development, functions of organs and systems) at a high level. Postulates of rational nutrition.

1. The compliance of daily energy expenditure with energy intake. The factors influence on the value of energy needs:

► age and the associated value of basal metabolism gender (men consume energy by 10-15% more than women);

► the constitution of the body (body height and chest circumference);

► the nature of employment (coefficient of physical activity);

► quality of life related to the development of the social infrastructure of residence;

► effect of climatic conditions in the residence region;

► physiological condition of the body (pregnancy and lactating).

2. The physiological needs of the body should be provided with food substances in quantities and proportions that have the maximum beneficial effect - balanced nutrition.

Balanced nutrion means:

► energy intake (calories) should be in balance with energy expenditure;

► balance between macro elements - proteins, fats and hydrocarbons;

► balance between animal and plant proteins, between animal and plant fats, between different kinds of fatty acids;

► balance between some microelements - calcium and phosphorus, calcium and magnum.

3. The chemical structure of the food must maximum corresponds to the enzymatic digestive systems of the body.

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