Task 1. The word "science" means knowledge. There are many branches of the science, which you will study to become specialists in healthcare.
A. Match the sciences (1-8) with their areas of study (a-h):
1) - _; 2) - c; 3) - _; 4) - _; 5) - _; 6) - _; 7) - _; 8) - _. B. Using the table above, make up sentences. Example: Biology studies living things.
1. _
2. _
3. _
4. _
5. _
6. _
7. _
Task 2. Studying anatomy, you will learn the names of bones. Did you know that the skeleton of an adult human consists of 206 bones?
A. Using the words from Box A, label the Russian names of bones in the given diagram. Box A
B. Using the words from Box B, find an English term for each bone and fill in the table: Box B
С. Read the English names of bones in the table.
Task 3.
A. Read and translate the following international words: biological, chronic, function, group, infection, system, type.
B. Match the words of the Latin origin on the left (A) with their
English equivalents on the right (B).
1) cranium skull
2) _ _
3) _ _
4) _ _
5) _ _
6) _ _
7) _ _
C. Translate the words with the same roots. (If you know the meanings of suffixes, you can easily recognize nouns and adjectives.)
1 - skeleton, skeletal_
2 - pelvis, pelvic_
3 - protection, protective_
4 - cranium, cranial_
5 - bone, bony_
6 - infection, infective_
7 - move, movable_
8 - vertebra, vertebral_
D. Find the meanings of the words given below in the dictionary and translate the following sentences:
examination (n) 1)_; 2)_
primitive (a) 1)_; 2)_
1. Examination is a test of a student's knowledge or skill in a particular subject.
2. Medical examination includes a variety of tests depending on the age, sex and health of the person.