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Список литературы

1. Bone Ca1vo J., Botey Sa1a, Caba11ero Jomez L. et a1. Long term safety and efficacy of aze1astine HCL nasa1 spray in the treatment of chi1dren with perennia1 a11ergic rhinitis // Acta Paediatric. Espano1a. - 1996. - Vo1. 54. - N. 10. - P. 750-764.

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4. Fischer B., Schmutzier W. Inhibition by aze1astine of the immuno1ogica11y induced histamine re1ease from iso1ated guinea pig mast ce11s. Arzneim. Forsch. // Drug Research. - 1981. - Vo1. 31. - P. 1193-1195.

5. Gastpar H. Investigations of the 1ong term efficacy and to1erabi1ity of aze1astine nasa1 spray in the treatment of perennia1 a11ergic rhinitis. Arzneim. Forsch. // Drug Research. - 1993. - Vo1. 43 (11). - N. 7. -

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6. Herman D., Yaray R., Ya1 M. A randomized doub1e-b1ind p1acebo contro11ed study of aze1astine nasa1 spray in chi1dren with perennia1 rhinitis // Int. Y. Pediat. Otorhinolaryngol. - 1997. - Vo1. 39. -

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7. Stroman F. et a1. Effect of aze1astine on rhinorrhea induced bynasa1 cha11enge in young domestic pigs // Schw. Med. Wschr. - 1991. - Vo1. 121. - Suppl. 40/11. - P. 129.

8. Tasaka К., Akagi M. Antia11ergic properties of a new histamine antagonist, 4-(p-ch1oro-benzyD-2 - (N-methy1-perhydroazepiny1) - (4) 1 - (2H) - phtha1azinone Hydroch1oride (aze1astine). Arzneim. Forsch. //

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9. Thomas K.E. et a1. The effect of intranasa1 aze1astine, Rhino1ast, on nasa1 airways obstruction and sneezing fo11owing provocation testing with histamine and a11ergen // C1in. and Exp. A11ergy. - 1992. - Vo1. 22. -

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