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Lesson 3. Equipment of the dental office. Types of dental units and handpieces


To equip the dental office you need a lot of equipment that can be assigned to the following groups for the purpose.

► Equipment and instruments necessary for the direct performance of medical procedures.

• The main equipment is a dental unit, dental chair, doctor's chair, assistant's chair, doctor's dental desk.

• Auxiliary equipment includes equipment designed to perform specific medical or diagnostic manipulations for example: electrodontodiag-nostics device, diathermocoagulator, apex locator, photopolymeriza-tion lamp, amalgam mixer, etc.

► Equipment for sterilization and disinfection: dry-heat sterilizer for sterilisation of instruments, glass bead sterilizer for sterilization of small tools, table for sterile instruments, quartz lamp to disinfect the room air, fume hood when working with amalgam.

► Equipment for the nurse: writing desk, computer (for electronic records), chair, strongbox to store records and electronic backup copies.

► Equipment for hand treatment and pre-sterilization treatment: hand wash basin, sink for washing instruments (the instruments and hands are washed in separate sinks!), containers with disinfectant and detergent solutions.

► Medical furniture: a multi-tiered cabinet for storing medicines, tools, filling, bandaging materials; cabinet for poisonous (A) and powerful (B) substances (always locked!). First Aid Kit, couch, patient chairs, cabinet for sanitary inventory.

All equipment in the office should be placed so that the doctor and the assistant make no unnecessary movements, and the nurse could quickly follow the dentist's instructions. In addition, the furniture and equipment should be arranged so that there are distinct sterile and non-sterile areas, without overlapping, for example: patients approaching the chair should not pass past the sterile table, etc.

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Lesson 3. Equipment of the dental office. Types of dental units and handpieces
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