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Рак эндометрия


Endometrial cancer ranks first among malignant tumours of the female genital organs.


Uterine cancer.

Code ICD-10

C54. Malignant neoplasm of the uterine body. C54.1 Endometrial cancer.


Currently, there is a tendency of increasing incidence of uterine body cancer that can be explained by the increase in life expectancy and the growth of rate of these «diseases of civilisation», as anovulation, chronic hyperoestrogenism, infertility, endometriosis, and UM. Their combination with impaired endocrine function and metabolism (obesity, diabetes mellitus, hyperinsulinemia, hyperlipidemia) leads to the development of syndrome of disorders in the reproductive, exchange and adaptive systems of the body.

In Russia in 1970, the incidence of uterine body cancer was 6,4 per 100 000 of the female population, and in 1980 - 9,8 per 100 000, ie, for 10 years, the incidence of uterine body cancer increased by 53%. Endometrial cancer incidence rate currently stands at 19,5 per 100 000 of the female population. In the past 30 years the incidence of uterine body cancer has tripled. In the USA endometrial cancer ranks first among cancers of female genitalia. In our country, endometrial cancer ranks second among cancer women diseases, second only to breast cancer, and first among the tumours of the female genitalia. There has been a steady increase in the proportion of younger women among the diseased of endometrial cancer. The proportion of women stricken of endometrial cancer in the reproductive and menopausal age is almost 40% of the total number of patients. Analysis of the age indicators in endometrial cancer is possible only from 1989, because earlier this nosological form was not included in the reporting of official materials of cancer statistics. Significant growth rates of endometrial cancer were noted in groups between 40 and 49 years (29,24%) and 50 to 59 years

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