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Editorial notes

This edition is devoted to the Golden Jubilee of the author, Academician of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Social Science Doctor, Doctor of Medicine, and Professor Andrew Veniaminovich Reshetnikov.

With his scientific, educational, and managerial activity, Prof. Andrew Reshetnikov is greatly contributing to the vital healthcare work in the Russian Federation. He is the acknowledged leader in the study of regularities in the strengthening and maintenance of health in diverse social and professional strata, as well as in the solution of applied social tasks of healthcare.

Prof. Reshetnikov greatly contributed to enhancement of efficiency of socioeconomic prognostication and the long-range planning and development of the healthcare system under the present social and economic realities.

As an outstanding head and manager of the healthcare system, Prof. Andrew Reshetnikov was at the forefront of the emergence and development of the system of Mandatory Health Insurance in the Russian Federation. He scientifically substantiated the methodology of the study of socioeconomic mechanisms of social protection focused on the healthcare system. Prof. Andrew Reshetnikov is the author of the fundamental three-volume textbook 'Management, Economy, and Sociology of Medical Insurance' (GEOTAR-Media, 2001-2002), which is a reference book for healthcare managers in the Russian Federation.

The major research works of Prof. Andrew Reshetnikov focused on the study of regularities in the formation of value orientation among various population strata towards health, diseases and medical care, as well as medicine and public health organization, which laid the foundation of the Russian school of sociology of medicine. He scientifically substantiated and elaborated on the methodology and technique to carry out the medico-sociological studies. Based on vast scientific experience, he advanced the specific guidelines on the formation of methodological tools to analyse the socioeconomic interrelationships in the public healthcare system.

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