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First Aid for Fractures and Dislocations. Transport Immobilization. Splints, Bandages, Slings


1. Musculoskeletal injury: definition.

2. Classification of musculoskeletal injury.

3. Open and closed musculoskeletal injury.

4. General signs and symptoms of musculoskeletal injury.

5. General principles of first aid for a musculoskeletal injury.

6. Dislocations: definition.

7. Classification of dislocations.

8. Main signs and symptoms of dislocations.

9. Dislocation complications.

10. General principles of the first aid for a different types of dislocations.

11. Sprains: definition.

12. Symptoms of sprains. Complications of sprains.

13. General principles of the first aid for a sprains.

14. Strains: definition.

15. Symptoms of strains.

16. General principles of the first aid for a strains.

17. Fractures: definition.

18. Classification of fractures.

19. Main symptoms of fractures.

20. Complications of fractures.

21. General principles of the first aid for a fractures.

22. Methods of temporary control of a hemorrhage accompanying fractures and dislocations.

23. Immobilization: definition and classification.

24. Splints, bandages, slings: definition and classification.

25. Commercial and improvised splints.

26. Traction splints.

27. Self-splinting.

28. Splinting complications.

29. General rules of immobilization.

30. Immobilization of dislocations.

31. Immobilization of fractures.

32. Immobilization and transportation of victim with a spinal fracture.

33. Immobilization, and transportation of victim with a pelvic fracture.

34. Immobilization, and transportation of victim with a rib fracture.

35. Providing an appropriate physiological position for immobilization.


Instructions: Each question is followed by a series of possible answers or choices. Read the question and decide which answer or choice is the best.

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