Fig. 8. Djed's table for alpha angle estimation (Ζα)
Fig. 9. Variants of HEA position expressed in degrees of Ζα (The left HEA deviation, Horizontal HEA position, Normal HEA position, Vertical HEA position, The right HEA deviation)
In the row of manuals normal values are insignificantly different. Laboratory indices according to Handbook Guide of practicing physician1 (2000) and Grebenev A.L. (2001) are given below.
1 Handbook Guide of practicing physician. 2000 diseases from A to Z / Edited by Denisov I.N., Ulumbekov E.G. - M., Publishing house GEOTAR-Media, 2000. - 1296 p.
Complete blood count
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| | |
ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) * |
| | |
| | |
Hematocrit (packed cell volume), PCV** |
| | |
| | |
* ESR acceleration may be noticed in pregnancy, after vaccination, fasting and dry food.
** Hematocrit - is a volume of packed cells in the whole blood determined in its centrifugation.
Leukocytes differential (leukogram)
| | | Number of cells in 1 μ! of blood |
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| | | |
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1 Contemporary scientists (specialists in laboratory diagnostics) point out that maximal normal amount of WBCs may reach 11.3109/l.
Blood coagulation system and fibrinolysis
| |
| |
Capillary (after Sukharev) | Beginning - from 30 sec to 2 min, End - from 3 to 5 min |
Bleeding time (Duke method) | |
RT (active recalciflcatiom time) | |
aPTT (activated partial thromboplastin time) | |
| |
INR (international normalized ratio) | |
| |
Fibrinolysis (euglobulin clots spontaneous lysis time) | |
TCT (thrombin clotting time) | |
| |
Blood biochemistry Protein and protein fractions
Protein fractions (according to Komarov F.I., 1982)
Rest nitrogen and its serum components
Blood indices of pigmentary metabolism
| | |
| | |
Direct (conjugated) bilirubin | 0-5.1 (25% of total bilirubin) | |
Indirect (unconjugated) bilirubin | 1.7-17.1 (75% of total bilirubin) |
Blood electrolytes
Plasma lipid components (Recommendations of European Atherosclerosis Society on blood lipids and lipoproteins evaluation)
| Lipids content, mmol/l (mg/dl) |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
Low-density lipopro-tein-cholesterol | | | |
High-density lipopro-tein-cholesterol | | | |
Urine and renal function investigation Urine physical properties
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Relative density of urine in the morning portion | |
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Urine chemical composition3
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| Neutral or slightly acidic* |
| Absent (0.025-0.070 g per 24 h) |
| Absent (less than 0.02% per 24 h)4 |
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*Alkaline pH appears on vegetable diet, alkaline drinks consumption, on the height of digestion.
Urine microscopic investigation
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| 0-3 in every field of vision (FOV) |
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| Single in entire specimen |
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2 In the physiological conditions polyuria is caused by increased water consumption and neurogenic factors.
3 During the day it changes in a wide range (see Zimnitsky's test).