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I. Which of the following changes in blood gas pressure are most common for circulatory hypoxia?

1. Decreased PvO2.

2. Increased PvO2.

3. Normal values of PvO2.

4. Decreased PaO2.

5. Normal values of PaO2.

6. Increased PaCO2.

7. Normal or decreased PaCO2.

8. Decreased PaCO2.

II. Compensatory mechanisms in long-term adaptation to hypoxia include the following:

1. Increased mitochondrial density within the cells.

2. Tachycardia.

3. Polycythemia.

4. Pulmonary hypertension.

5. Increased oxydative enzyme concentration within mitochondria.

6. Increased capillary density.

7. Decreased respiratory drive.

8. Increased circulatory blood volume.

III. Anemic hypoxia can be induced by the following causes:

1. Iron deficiency.

2. Poisoning by CN-.

3. Poisoning by nitrites.

4. Poisoning by CO.

5. Deficiency of vitamin B12.

6. Poisoning by aniline.

7. Deficiency of vitamin B1.

IV. Which of the following changes in blood gas pressure are most typical at the beginning of respiratory hypoxia?

1. Decreased PvO2.

2. Increased PvO2.

3. Normal values of PvO2.

4. Decreased PaO2.

5. Normal values of PaO2.

6. Increased PaCO2.

7. Normal values of PaCO2.

8. Decreased PaCO2.

V. Choose reactions that determine tolerance to acute hypoxia.

1. Hyperventilation.

2. Tachycardia.

3. Polycytemia.

4. An increase in the diphosphoglycerate concentration within erythrocytes.

5. Pulmonary hypertension.

6. An increase in mitochondrial density within the cells.

7. An increase in capillary density.

VI. Which of the following conditions can result in a decreased affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen?

1. An increase in blood pH.

2. A decrease in blood pH.

3. Reduced production of diphosphoglycerate.

4. An increase in temperature.

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