Exercise 1. Read and translate into Russian the following words and word combinations of Latin and Greek origin:
dental inspection, orthodontics, to consult an orthodontist, to drill, cavity, abscess, to diagnose, crowns, prosthetics department, dental mechanic, malocclusion, hygiene, to protect.
Exercise 2. Practice the pronunciation of the following words: toothache, trouble, aching, decayed, gone, neglected, put, pull, artificial, dentures, false, mechanic, overcrowded, malocclusion, deaden, pain, hygiene.
Exercise 3. Learn the active vocabulary to the text:
dentist стоматолог
dental therapist стоматолог-терапевт
oral surgeon хирург - стоматолог
to have some trouble with a tooth что-то беспокоит (о зубах)
to become loose расшатываться
to undergo a dental inspection пройти осмотр стоматолога
a tooth is neglected (far gone) зуб запущен
to cleanse a tooth почистить зуб
to drill a tooth сверлить зуб
to put in a filling поставить пломбу
(to stop a tooth, to fill a tooth)
to pull out (extract) a tooth удалить зуб
to deaden pain обезболить
dentures / false teeth искусственные зубы
crown коронка
bridge мост
outstanding / instanding teeth прогнатия, прогения
overcrowded teeth скученные зубы
malocclusion неправильный прикус
to correct malocclusion исправить неправильный прикус
prosthodontist протезист
orthodontist ортодонт
dental mechanic/prosthetist зубной техник, протезист
Exercise 4. Read and translate the text into Russian.
Every citizen of Russia undergoes regularly dental inspection and treatment in district stomatological polyclinics. There are three main departments in such polyclinics: a department of therapy, oral surgery and orthodontics and prosthetic dentistry department. Some laboratories and X - ray rooms are also attached to every dental polyclinic.