Exercise 1. Read and translate the following words of Latin and Greek origin: carbohydrate, type, plaque, periodontal, fluoride.
Exercise 2. Active vocabulary. Learn the following words:
dental health здоровье полости рта
to follow следить; следовать
to brush чистить щеткой
a toothbrush зубная щетка
a toothpaste зубная паста
to remove удалять, убирать
to bite кусать
a bite прикус
an overbite глубокий прикус;
верхнечелюстное зубное перекрытие
cross bite перекрестный прикус
a biting surface жевательная поверхность
to prevent предупреждать
prevention зд. профилактика
preventive measures профилактические меры
to consider считать, полагать
to consume потреблять
etc. = et cetera и т.д. (и так далее)
to improve улучшать(ся)
mouthwash, mouthrinse жидкость для полоскания рта
to floss прочищать флоссом starchy food, carbohydrate - пища, богатая углеводами containing foods
Exercise 3. Read and translate the following text into Russian:
Dental health is an important part of total well-being. Nearly all dental diseases - tooth decay and periodontal (gum) disease - are preventable. All you have to do is to follow these five steps to dental health:
1. Brush and floss your teeth thoroughly at least once a day. Toothbrushing is well-known to remove plaque from the outer, inner and biting surface of the teeth. Tooth decay and periodontal disease often start in those areas where a toothbrush cannot reach. Only flossing removes plaque from between the teeth and under the gumline.
2. Brush your teeth after meals when you can. Remember to brush gently with short strokes and enough pressure, changing the tooth brush position frequently.
3. Eat a balanced diet. Dietary habits and the patient's attitude to them are of prime importance since diet is one of the main factors in the development of the dental problems. The relationship between diet and dental health is considered to be very complex and involves many factors, such as the amount of carbohydrate containing foods (sugar and starchy foods) consumed, when and how often you eat, the types of food eaten, the period of time that food remains in the mouth, etc.