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Краткие сообщения Института археологии. Вып. 224
Yu. V. Stepanova. The chronology of Medieval Russian burial associations of the Upper Volga region
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Introduction (Gulyaev V. I.)
V. I. Gulyaev. Investigations of burial rite in foreign archaeology
E. V. Lagutkina. Investigation of burial associations in archaeology: approaches and methods of research
M. F. Kosarev. World-outlook aspects in traditional burial practices (on the Siberian materials)
V. I. Melnik. Symbolism of elements of burial rite according to ethnographic and archaeological data
E. S. Baksheev, Yu. A. Smirnov. Two-stage burial rituals in Okinawa as an archaeological and cultural reality
A. P. Buzhilova. On the informativeness of the investigations of collective burials
M. V. Dobrovolskaya. On the method of investigations of cremation materials
M. B. Mednikova. Manipulations with the head of the dead (burial practice in antiquity according to the data of palaeoanthropology)
A. V. Engovatova, D. O. Osipov, N. N. Goncharova, A. P. Buzhilova. Mass medieval burial in Yaroslavl (preliminary results)
K. E. Bochvarov. Neolithic jar burials from South-eastern Europe: the origins of rite
T. N. Mishina. Social aspect of investigation of intramural infant burials (the EBA materials from tell Yunatsite in the Balkans)
S. N. Korenevsky. The phenomenon of big Maikop kurgans - labour and cult aspects of construction
M. V. Andreeva. Arrangement of space structure in the kurgans of East Manych catacomb culture
E. V. Volkova. Burial associations of cemeteries Novinki 1 and 2 of Fatyanovo culture. Possibilities of historic reconstructions
B. V. Meleshko. On the terminal date of the dolmen sites in the Caucasus
V. B. Kovalevskaya. Planigraphic computer analysis of the early medieval cemetery Dyurso in the North Caucasus
M. G. Gusakov. On the origins of cremation in urn or without it (cemeteries of the Hallstatt and La Tene periods in the South-eastern Baltic zone)
A. M. Oblomsky. New burial complexes of the mid 1st millennium AD on the Upper Don
V. M. Kishlyaruk. The environmental influence on the burial rite of the barbaric people in the lower Dniester area in the 3rd−2nd cc. BC
Yu. V. Stepanova. The chronology of Medieval Russian burial associations of the Upper Volga region
A. S. Syrovatko. Reconstruction of burial constructions of the Shchurovo cemetery
I. A. Druzhinina. Concerning ethno-cultural contacts in the Central Caucasus piedmonts in the 16th-17th cc
L. V. Vakulenko. Complex of grain-pits of the 4th c. AD from the Ciscarpathians
E. K. Stolyarova. Concerning technology of production of gold-glass beads in the pre-Mongol period
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