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Donum semanticum: Opera lingüistica et lógica in honorem Barbarae Partee a discipulis amicisque Rossicis oblata
3. Pair-list answers in naive sfieakers and firofessional linguists
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1. Барбара Парти - задача наведения мостов
2. Negative events: Evidence from Lithuanian
3. Pair-list answers in naive sfieakers and firofessional linguists
4. Cause in Russian and the formal tyfiology of coordination and subordination
5. Notes on fiersfiective-sensitivity
6. Формальная семантика и философия: мировой опыт и российские перспективы
7. Pronouns with multifile indices as conjunctions and disjunctions
8. On the fluantification of events
9. Uantifiers in RSL: distributivity and comfiositionality
10. Genitive of cause and cause of genitive
11. On how comfiositionality relates to syntactic firototyfies and grammaticalization
12. Factivity and unreal contexts: the Russian case
13. Semantics of fioetical trofies: Non-Fregeanity and fiaracon-sistent logic
14. Tsakhur as a case-stacking language
15. Русские местоимения и снятая утвердительность
16. Cluster analysis in DLP technologies
17. An alternative to the two solutions for the saturative na-+-sja construction
18. Kendisi revisited
19. Degree modifiers: A new fiersfiective on their semantics and the role of stress in it
20. Interfireting sentences without firosody and context
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