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Innovation management
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1. Basic concepts and definitions of innovation management. The emergence, establishment and the main features of innovation management. Innovation and social laws. Classification of innovations as management object, definition, importance, functions, classification of innovations; the life cycle of innovation. Triple-helix concept
2. Organizational structure of innovation management. Classification of innovative organizations. Research and development (R&D), classification, typology of research organizations; research areas of innovation management; small research business; risk (venture) business
3. Regulations of innovation activity. Regulatory considerations. State regulations of innovation activity. Determination of the content and direction of innovation policy; methods of implementation; choice of policies, strategic and operational planning and used methods; forecasting, innovation motivation and methods used
4. Pricing of innovations. Factors affecting the pricing process of innovation product. Price management approach. Pricing process of an innovative product. Pricing methods of innovation project. Economic efficiency of innovations and methods of its analysis
5. Innovation strategic management. The concept of strategic management in the innovation sphere. Features and choice of strategy. Extrapolation, search forecast, normative forecast, forecast on the basis of trend analysis, intuitive forecast. The overall goal and model of innovation management system. Optimal control techniques. Basic concepts of the theory of decision-making. Classification problems of innovative strategies' development
6. Innovation project management. Classification of innovation projects. Development of programs and projects. Features of innovation project management. Research and Development of innovation project. High-involvement innovation approach
7. Expertise of innovative projects. Tasks and types of expertise. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the project. Objectives and stages of patent research. Qualitative and quantitative methods. Legal protection of the main scientific and technical results. The order of registration of the application for the invention. Application consideration. Proposals for rationalization
8. The risks of innovation projects. Risk classification. Accounting risks in projects. Methods to reduce the impact of risks. Investment return terms, the accounting rate of return, net present value, internal rate of return
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