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Aging of Polymers and Polymeric Materials Caused by Environmental Impact: tutorial. Part 2
1. Principles of Protecting Polymers against Thermal Aging. Thermal Stabilizers. Classification and Application Examples
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1. Principles of Protecting Polymers against Thermal Aging. Thermal Stabilizers. Classification and Application Examples
1.1. Scavengers of Alkyl Radicals
1.1.1. Sterically Hindered Amines
1.1.2. Hydroxyl Amines
1.1.3. Benzofuranone Derivatives
1.1.4. Phenols Modified by Acryloyl
1.2. Scavengers of Low Molecular Weight Degradation Products
1.3. Thermal Stabilizers for Polyvinyl Chloride
1.3.1. Metal-Containing Stabilizers for PVC
1.3.2. Esters and Salts of Epoxy-carboxylic Acids
2. Principles of Protecting Polymers against Oxidation
3. Principles of Protecting Polymers Against Ozone Aging. Classification of Antiozonants
4. Principles of Protecting Polymers against Flammability
5. Principles of Protecting Polymers against Photodestruction
6. Principles of Protecting Polymers against Biodegradation
7. Methods of Stabilizer Introduction
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