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Джон Ло: экономическая теория и практика в начале XVIII века
Chapter 29. The retired in Venice
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Editor's foreword
Chapter 1. Political and economic situation in Europe in the late 17th - early 18th centuries
Chapter 2. General characteristics of the financial system of France
Chapter 3. Childhood. Adolescence. Youth
Chapter 4. From Edinburgh to London
Chapter 5. Traveling in Europe
Chapter 6. Prerequisites for the emergence of Law's financial projects
Chapter 7. Essay on the land bank
Chapter 8. Money and trade in Scotland
Chapter 9. Law's proposals to the Scottish Parliament
Chapter 10. Discussion of proposals for a land bank in the Scottish Parliament
Chapter 11. Projects of 1706-1712
Chapter 12. Law moves to Paris
Chapter 13. Emergency measures to overcome the financial crisis
Chapter 14. Disputes on bank
Chapter 15. Creation of the General Bank
Chapter 16. Foundation of the Western company
Chapter 17. The birth of the Law System
Chapter 18. Organization of interaction between the bank and the trading company
Chapter 19. Colonization of Louisiana - advertising and reality
Chapter 20. Unregulated trade on Kenkampua street
Chapter 21. The highest point of flourishing of the System
Chapter 22. Unstable equilibrium of the financial market
Chapter 23. The decline of the System
Chapter 24. An attempt to stabilize the financial situation
Chapter 25. Dismantling of the System
Chapter 26. Return from paper money to coin
Chapter 27. A humble charm of he Indian company
Chapter 28. Law leaves France
Chapter 29. The retired in Venice
Chapter 30. John Law and Peter the Great
Chapter 31. Deja vu
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