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Numerical Optimization of Regulators for Automatic Control System
13. Optimization of the regulator for multichannel objects (MIMO)
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Introductory words
1. Introduction
2. Terminology and mathematical tools of TAC
3. Visual simulation of unlocked stuctutres
4. Visual simulation of the locked structures
5. Statement of the task of optimization of locked structures and tools for its resolving
6. Numerical optimization of the locked structures
7. Dividing of the motion: the use of multiple drives (MISO)
8. Dividing of motions: using of multiple sensors (SIMO)
9. Modification of the cost functions
10. New structures for single channel objects (SISO)
11. Feedback systems with pseudo local loops
12. Design of a piecewise adaptive regulator
13. Optimization of the regulator for multichannel objects (MIMO)
13.1. The task of control of multichannel object
13.2. The statement of the problem and the solvability conditions
13.3. Methods for solving the problem
13.4. The efficiency of the completeness of a PID-regulator when controlling a multi-channel object
13.5. The idea of Smith multichannel predictor
13.6. Numerical optimization of the regulator for an object of dimension 3 × 3
14. Investigation of the numerical optimization toolkit for control of an oscillatory unstable object
15. Practical recearch and laboratory works in the field of feedback control in technical universities of Liberec and Sofia
16. Questions for control at exams
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