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Тексты для дополнительного чтения на английском языке для студентов направления "Экономика"
Unit 7. Types of Internet Marketing
Для продолжения работы требуется
Предыдущая страница
Следующая страница
Unit 1. Advertising. History of Advertising
Unit 2. Types of Advertising
Unit 3. Consumer advertising. Industrial advertising
Unit 4. Trade advertising
Unit 5. Retail advertising. Financial advertising
Unit 6. Advertising Information. History of Online Advertising
Unit 7. Types of Internet Marketing
Unit 8. Online advertisement as Digital Promotions for Television
Unit 9. Direct Mail and Direct Response
Unit 10. Hyper-commercialism and the commercial tidal wave
Unit 11. Advertising and constitutional rights
Unit 12. The price of attention and hidden costs
Unit 13. The commercialization of culture and sports
Unit 14. Occupation and commercialization of public space
Unit 15. Socio-cultural aspects: sexism, discrimination and stereotyping
Unit 16. Children and adolescents as target groups
Unit 17. Opposition and campaigns against advertising
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