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London: Учеб. пособие для обучающихся в бакалавриате по направлению подготовки "Педа-гогическое образование"
Text 17. Murder in the Bloody Tower
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Text 1. England
Text 2. Central London
Text 3. Covent Garden and Theatreland
Text 4. Books and Movies
Text 5. Gentlemen's Clubs and Royal London
Text 6. Westminster's Grandeur
Text 7. The Houses of Parliament
Text 8. Westminster Cathedral
Text 9. Shopping and Waxworks
Text 10. Piccadilly Circus
Text 11. Bloomsbury
Text 12. Legal London
Text 13. North London Attractions
Text 14. The City and Southwark
Text 15. Britain's Financial Heartland
Text 16. The Tower of London
Text 17. Murder in the Bloody Tower
Text 18. Bankside
Text 19. The South Bank
Text 20. The East End
Text 21. West London
Text 22. Belgravia
Text 23. The Victoria and Albert Museum
Text 24. The Natural History Museum
Text 25. The Science Museum
Text 26. The Albert Hall
Text 27. Palaces and gardens
Text 28. Notting Hill
Text 29. Day Trips Along the Thames
Text 30. Tropical House in Kew
Text 31. King Henry's Tudor Palace
Text 32. The Residence of Sovereigns
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