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English Articles in Use. Артикли: объяснение, употребление, тренинг
Chapter 4. The meaningful absence of the article
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Chapter 1. The article and the category of determination. Types of attributes
Chapter 2. The indefinite article
Chapter 3. The definite article
Chapter 4. The meaningful absence of the article
4.1. The zero article in the function of absolute generalization
4.2. The zero article with material nouns
4.3. The zero article with collective nouns
4.4. The zero article with abstract nouns
4.5. The meaningful absence of the article with some semantic groups of nouns
4.5.1. The zero article with nouns denoting seasons
4.5.2. The zero article with nouns denoting parts of the day
4.5.3. The zero article with nouns denoting names of meals
4.5.4. The zero article with names of diseases
4.5.5. The zero article with names of sciences and school subjects
4.5.6. The zero article with names of sports and games
4.5.7. The zero article with nouns school, college, hospital, etc
4.5.8. The zero article with nouns town, space, society
4.6. The zero article with proper names
4.6.1. The zero article with geographical names
4.6.2. The zero article with miscellaneous proper names
4.6.3. The zero article with names of persons
4.7. Contextually bound absence of the article
Chapter 5. Articles with nouns in various syntactic functions
Exercises to chapter 1. Limiting and descriptive attributes
Exercises to chapters 2, 3, 4. The indefinite article. The definite article. The zero article
Exercises to chapter 5. Articles with nouns in various syntactic functions
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