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Контрольно-измерительные материалы. Английский язык. 11 класс
Test 2. Rights and responsibilities
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Test 1. Famous people
Test 2. Rights and responsibilities
Test 3. Choosing a profession
Test 4. Modern technologies
Test 5. Environmental problems
Test 6. Circle of friends
Test 7. Keeping traditions
Test 8. Shops and shopping
Test 9. Shops and shopping
Test 10. The USA: geographical location, historical facts
Test 11. The USA: geographical location, historical facts
Test 12. The USA: the capital, landmarks
Test 13. The USA: the capital, landmarks
Test 14. Australia
Test 15. Australia
Test 16. Travelling
Test 17. Travelling
Test 18. Science and technical progress
Test 19. Mass media
Test 20. Mass media
Test 21. Education in the UK and the USA
Test 22. Education in the UK and the USA
Test 23. Prefixes with negative meanings
Test 24. Phrasal verbs to hand, to break, to come, to see
Test 25. Phrasal verbs to make, to do
Test 26. Set phrases with prepositions
Test 27. Derivation: nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives
Test 28. Derivation: nouns and verbs
Test 29. Verb Tenses, Active and Passive Voice
Test 30. Verb Tenses, Active and Passive Voice
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