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Контрольно-измерительные материалы. Английский язык. 7 класс
Test 14. Looking at teenage problems
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Test 1. The World Teenagers' Competition
Test 2. Describing people, describing yourself
Test 3. What would you like to change in yourself?
Test 4. What do you think about your future?
Test 5. Let's take our chance
Test 6. Speaking about famous people
Test 7. How can we communicate with each other?
Test 8. How do we use computers?
Test 9. Meet the winners of the International Teenagers' Competition
Test 10. Talking about countries and nationalities
Test 11. English-speaking countries
Test 12. How many languages can you speak?
Test 13. Round-the-world tour
Test 14. Looking at teenage problems
Test 15. On the way to school
Test 16. School is fun if you are optimistic
Test 17. What do you know about school life in English-speaking countries?
Test 18. Would you like to attend a private school?
Test 19. Using the Passive Voice
Test 20. We are not ideal students, are we?
Test 21. How to tackle our problems?
Test 22. Sport. Healthy lifestyle
Test 23. Why do people like to compete?
ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ. Personal letter (Личное письмо)
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