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Имя существительное. Артикль: рабочая тетрадь
Unit 13. The use of articles with proper nouns
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Unit 1. Classifi cation of Nouns
Unit 2. The Case of Nouns
Unit 3. The Number of Nouns
Unit 4. Agreement between subject and verb
Unit 5. Determiners
Unit 6. Article: general notion, functions of the articles, meanings of the articles with countable nouns
Unit 7. Articles with countable nouns modifi ed by attributes
Unit 8. Modifi cation of nouns by numerals. Defi ning and non-defi ning clauses
Unit 9. The generic use of the defi nite article
Unit 10. Articles with various uncountable nouns. Articles with nouns referring to unique objects
Unit 11. Articles with nouns in some syntactic positions
Unit 12. Special diffi culties in the use of articles
Unit 13. The use of articles with proper nouns
Unit 14. Revision
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