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Sports Law in Russia: Monograph
Chapter 4. Governing of sport events
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Chapter 1. Sport as an area of legal regulation
Chapter 2. Governance of the elements of sport
Chapter 3. Actors of sport
Chapter 4. Governing of sport events
§ 1. On some issues of legal governance of arranging sport events
§ 2. Definition and features of sport industry
1. Defi nition and structure of sport industry
2. Historical Background
3. Merging of sport and entertainment industry
4. Some specific kinds of activities within the sport industry
5. Notion of business cycle in sport industry
6. Spectator sport product
7. Specifics of Legal Regulation of Sport Industry in Russia
§ 3. Sport transfers
§ 4. Governance of anti-doping activities
Chapter 5. Off ences and responsibilities in the field of sport
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