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Английская грамматика для ленивых
Chart 34. Past Perfect Tense
Chart 35. Present Perfect Tense
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Chart 1. Nouns
Chart 2. Plural Nouns
Chart 3. Irregular Plural Nouns
Chart 4. Possessive Case of the Nouns
Chart 5. Adjectives. Degrees of Comparison
Chart 6. Irregularly Compared Adjectives
Chart 7. Substantivized Adjectives
Chart 8. Numerals
Chart 9. Personal Subject Pronouns
Chart 10. Personal Object Pronouns
Chart 11. Possessive Pronouns
Chart 12. Absolute Form of Possessive Pronouns
Chart 13. Reflexive Pronouns
Chart 14. Demonstrative Pronouns
Chart 15. Indefinite Pronouns. Compound Indefinite Pronouns
Chart 16. Negative Pronouns
Chart 17. Interrogative Pronouns
Chart 18. Relative Pronouns
Chart 19. Articles
Chart 20. Use of Articles
Chart 21. Use of Articles. Exceptions
Chart 22. Verbs
Chart 23. Principal Parts of Notional Verbs
Chart 24. Indicative Mood. System of Tense Verbal Forms (Active Voice)
Chart 25. Indicative Mood. System of Tense Verbal Forms (Passive Voice)
Chart 26. Past Simple Tense
Chart 27. Present Simple Tense
Chart 28. Future Simple Tense
Chart 29. Ways of Expressing the Future
Chart 30. Past Continuous Tense
Chart 31. Present Continuous Tense
Chart 32. Future Continuous Tense
Chart 33. Stative Verbs
Chart 34. Past Perfect Tense
Chart 35. Present Perfect Tense
Chart 36. Future Perfect Tense
Chart 37. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Chart 38. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Chart 39. Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Chart 40. Future in the Past Tenses
Chart 41. Subjunctive Mood
Chart 42. Conditionals
Chart 43. Imperative Mood
Chart 44. Infinitive
Chart 45. Participle
Chart 46. Gerund
Chart 47. Modal Verbs
Chart 48. Adverbs
Chart 49. Prepositions
Chart 50. Conjunctions
Chart 51. Interjections
Chart 52. Sentence. Types of Sentence
Chart 53. Sentence types by Purpose
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