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Public Relations in modern international business
Chapter 8. Business PR, classical media, and recommendations
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Chapter 1. Features of the international experience of doing business PR 4.0
Chapter 2. Conceptual foundations of PR structures in business in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Chapter 3. Features of business PR in the post-pandemic period
Chapter 4. Functions, tasks and goals of PR services in modern business structures
Chapter 5. The classical principles of PR in the business of the third millennium
Chapter 6. PR and advertising; structure, methodology of construction and evaluation of modern PR service effectiveness
Chapter 7. Online business PR and current practices
Chapter 8. Business PR, classical media, and recommendations
Chapter 9. PR business in the B‑to-B sector and practical advice
Chapter 10. PR technologies of hidden marketing
Chapter 11. Some proven practices of business PR 4.0: staying in the trend of modern innovations, and working with target audiences
Chapter 12. Specific aspects of PR in modern international business
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