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Due to the high pace of the development of pharmacology, practical medicine has been enriched with a great number of highly effective drugs. Great success has been reached in the area of fundamental research, aimed at the discovery of mode of action of substances and the creation of a rational basis for them to be applied in therapy and prevention of diseases. Considering pharmacotherapy as a universal method of treatment for most diseases, pharmacological knowledge is critical for any medical specialist. Proper knowledge in pharmacology also proves to be important because modern medications are highly active, and their incorrect administration may substantially harm the patient. In view of that, a thorough training of medical students in pharmacology is extremely important. Students study the fundamental pharmacology in the III year. They then become acquainted with its practical aspect, i.e. pharmacotherapy. The latter has to be the center of attention of all clinical studies from the III year until the VI year. The training is concluded with clinical pharmacology in the VI year. Only this kind of succession and continuity of pharmacology is able to provide the knowledge of this most significant subject and the skills to use the obtained knowledge effectively in resolving specific issues in pharmacotherapy.

Suggested manual comprises the basis of pharmacology with certain pharmacother-apy elements. It briefly discusses the most important sections of modern pharmacology and the main drugs of each group.

This edition, compared with the previous one, is revised and supplemented with new information and drugs.

The manual is designed for students of medical schools and university medical faculties. Its structure and content conforms to the pharmacology study program for the students of the III year, approved by the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation. This book may also be useful for physicians and pharmacists.

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