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Russia and Norway: Physical and Symbolic Borders
Ingrid Kvalvik (Tromsø). The Maritime Boundary Dispute between Russia and Norway: Territorial and Cognitive Boundaries
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Jens Petter Nielsen (Tromsø). Some Reflections on the Norwegian-Russian Border and the Evolution of State Borders in General
Tatjana N. Jackson (Moscow/Tromsø). On the Date of the First Russian- Norwegian Border Treaty
Carsten Pape (Copenhagen). Three Forgotten Border Treaties: Implications for Our Understanding of the Medieval Russian-Norwegian Frontier
Lars Ivar Hansen (Tromsø). The Overlapping Taxation Areas of the North and the Nature of the Russian-Norwegian Border in Medieval and Early Modern Times
Vadim Roginsky (Moscow). The 1826 Delimitation Convention between Norway and Russia: A Diplomatic Challenge
Einar Niemi (Tromsø). Border Minorities between State and Culture
Astri Andresen (Bergen). States Demarcated - People Divided: the Skolts and the 1826 Border Treaty
Mari Ishizuka (Cambridge). Norwegian-Russian Borderland in Transition: Spatial Perception among Norwegian Elites in 1826-1852
Tatjana Shrader (St Petersburg). Across the Borders: the Pomor Trade
Ruslan Peresadilo (Arkhangelsk). The “Norwegian” Policy of the Russian State in the Russian North in the Nineteenth Century - according to documents in the State Archive of Archangelsk province (GAAO)
Erik Egeberg (Tromsø). Cultures in Contact: Translation between Russian and Norwegian
Anna Poznanskaja (Moscow). Norwegian Painters and Russian Collectors in the Late Nineteenth Century
Kari Myklebost (Tromsø). In Search of Essential Lapland: The Ethnographic Travels of Jens A. Friis in Northwest Russia (1867) and Sergey Sergel in Northern Norway (1907-1909)
Alexei Yurchenko (St Petersburg). Norwegian Colonization of the Murman Coast in the Late Imperial Period: Cultural Boundaries of the Region
Tatjana Teterevleva (Arkhangelsk). Crossing the Borders: The Experience of Russian Émigrés in the Nordic Countries, 1920s - 1930s
Sven Holtsmark (Oslo). The Northern Regions in Soviet Military Thinking between the World Wars
Aleksej Komarov (Moscow). Norway in Soviet Foreign Policy Thinking of the Khrushchev Period
Andrey Repnevskij (Arkhangelsk). Trade as the Best Form of Russian-Norwegian Relations in the Soviet and Post-Soviet Periods
Ingrid Kvalvik (Tromsø). The Maritime Boundary Dispute between Russia and Norway: Territorial and Cognitive Boundaries
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