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Список литературы

  1. Bates G., Tabrizi S., Jones L. Huntington’s disease / G. Bates, S. Tabrizi, L. Jones, Oxford University Press (UK), 2014.
  2. Bates G.P. et al. Huntington disease // Nature Reviews Disease Primers. 2015. (1). C. 15005.
  3. Kay C. et al. Huntington disease reduced penetrance alleles occur at high frequency in the general population // Neurology. 2016. № 3 (87). C. 282–288.
  4. Killoran A., Biglan K.M. Current therapeutic options for Huntington’s disease: Good clinical practice versus evidence‐based approaches? // Movement disorders. 2014. № 11 (29). C. 1404–1413.
  5. Kivela J.E. et al. Anesthetic Management of Patients with Huntington Disease // Anesthesia & Analgesia. 2010. № 2 (110). C. 515–523.
  6. Nance M. et al. A Physician’s Guide to the Management of Huntington’s Disease // 2011.
  7. Pringsheim T. et al. The incidence and prevalence of Huntington’s disease: A systematic review and meta‐analysis // Movement disorders. 2012. № 9 (27). C. 1083–1091.
  8. Rawlins M.D. et al. The Prevalence of Huntington’s Disease // Neuroepidemiology. 2016. № 2 (46). C. 144–153.
  9. Reilmann R., Leavitt B.R., Ross C.A. Diagnostic criteria for Huntington’s disease based on natural history // Movement disorders. 2014. № 11 (29). C. 1335–1341.
  10. Shoulson I. et al. Assessment of functional capacity in neurodegenerative movement disorders: Huntington’s disease as a prototype // Quantification of neurologic deficit. Boston: Butterworths. 1989. C. 271–283.
  11. Genetic testing in asymptomatic minors: recommendations of the European Society of Human Genetics // European Journal of Human Genetics. 2009. № 6 (17). C. 720–721.

  1. Désaméricq G., et al. Guidelines for clinical pharmacological practices in Huntington"s disease // Revue Neurologique. 2016. № 8-9 (172). С. 423–432.

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