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Список литературы:

1. Horlocker T.T., Wedel D.J., Rowlingson J.C., Enneking F.K., Kopp S.L., Benzon H.Tetal. Regional anesthesia in the patient receiving antithrombotic or thrombolytic therapy: American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Evidence-Based Guidelines (Third Edition) // Reg Anesth Pain Med. – 2010. – JanFeb; 35(1): P.64-101.

2. Bates Sh. M., Greer I.A., Middeldorp S., Veenstra D.L., Prabulos A-M., et al. VTE, Thrombophilia, Antithrombotic Therapy, and Pregnancy: Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis, 9th ed.: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines Chest. – February 2012. – 141: 2 suppl. e691S-e736S.

3. Sénat M.V., Sentilhes L., Battut A., Benhamou D., Bydlowski S., et al. Postpartum practice: guidelines for clinical practice from the French College of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians (CNGOF) // Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. – 2016. – Jul; 202: P.1-8.

4. Afshari A., Ageno W., Ahmed A., Duranteau J., Faraoni D., et al. ESA VTE Guidelines Task Force. European Guidelines on perioperative venous thromboembolism prophylaxis: Executive summary // Eur J Anaesthesiol. – 2018. – Feb; 35(2): P.77-83.

5. Ducloy-Bouthors A.S., Baldini A., Abdul-Kadir R., Nizard J. ESA VTE Guidelines Task Force. European guidelines on perioperative venous thromboembolism prophylaxis: Surgery during pregnancy and the immediate postpartum period // Eur J Anaesthesiol. – 2018. – Feb; 35(2): P.130-133.

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8. Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Reducing the Risk of Venous Thromboembolism during Pregnancy and the Puerperium Green-top // Guideline No. 37a. – April 2015. – 40p.

9. Rath W., Tsikouras P., von Tempelhoff G.F. Pharmacological Thromboprophylaxis during Pregnancy and the Puerperium: Recommendations from Current Guidelines and their Critical Comparison // Z Geburtshilfe Neonatol. – 2016. – Jun; 220(3): P.95-105.

10. Koenig-Oberhuber V., Filipovic M. New antiplatelet drugs and new oral anticoagulants // Br J Anaesth. – 2016. – Sep; 117suppl. 2: ii74-ii8449.

11. Ormesher L., Simcox L., Tower C., Greer I.A. Management of inherited thrombophilia in pregnancy // Womens Health (Lond). – 2016. – Jul; 12(4): P.41433.

12. Croles F.N., Nasserinejad K., Duvekot J.J., Kruip M.J., Meijer K., et al. Pregnancy, thrombophilia, and the risk of a first venous thrombosis: systematic review and bayesian meta-analysis // BMJ. – 2017. – Oct 26; 359: j4452.

13. Zhang T., Ye X., Zhu T., Xiao X., Liu Y., et al. Antithrombotic Treatment for Recurrent Miscarriage: Bayesian Network Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review // Medicine (Baltimore). – 2015. – Nov; 94(45): e1732.

14. Ormesher L., Simcox L.E., Tower C., Greer I.A. «To test or not to test», the arguments for and against thrombophilia testing in obstetrics // Obstet Med. – 2017. – Jun; 10(2): P.61-66.

15. Rodger M.A., Gris J.C., de Vries J.I.P., Martinelli .I, Rey É., et al. LowMolecular-Weight Heparin for Placenta-Mediated Pregnancy Complications Study Group. Low-molecular-weight heparin and recurrent placenta-mediated pregnancy complications: a meta-analysis of individual patient data from randomized controlled trials // Lancet. – 2016. – Nov 26; 388(10060): P.2629-2641.

16. Duffett L., Rodger M. LMWH to prevent placenta-mediated pregnancy complications: an update // Br J Haematol. – 2015. – Mar; 168(5): P.38-619.

17. Leffert L.R., Dubois H.M., Butwick A.J., Carvalho B., Houle T.T., et al. Neuraxial Anesthesia in Obstetric Patients Receiving Thromboprophylaxis With Unfractionated or Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin: A Systematic Review of Spinal Epidural Hematoma // AnesthAnalg. – 2017. – Jul; 125(1): P.223-231.

18. D’Alton M.E., Friedman A.M., Smiley R.M., Montgomery D.M., Paidas M.J., et al. National Partnership for Maternal Safety: Consensus Bundle on Venous Thromboembolism // AnesthAnalg. – 2016. – Oct; 123(4): P.9-942.

19. Leffert L., Butwick A., Carvalho B., Arendt K., Bates S.M., et al. Members of the SOAP VTE Taskforce. The Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology Consensus Statement on the Anesthetic Management of Pregnant and Postpartum Women Receiving Thromboprophylaxis or Higher Dose Anticoagulants // AnesthAnalg. – 2018. – Mar; 126(3): P.928-944.

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21. Gonzalez-Fiol A., Eisenberger A. Anesthesia implications of coagulation and anticoagulation during pregnancy // SeminPerinatol. – 2014. – Oct; 38(6): P.7370.

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23. Yarrington C.D., Valente A.M., Economy K.E. Cardiovascular Management in Pregnancy: Antithrombotic Agents and Antiplatelet Agents // Circulation. –2015. – Oct 6; 132(14): P.64-135.

24. Shaban A., Moritani T., Al Kasab S., Sheharyar A., S. Limaye K., et al. Spinal Cord Hemorrhage // J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. – 2018. – Mar 16.; pii: S10523057(18)30065-X.

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Клинические рекомендации общероссийской общественной организации «Федерация анестезиологов и реаниматологов» (утверждены на Пленуме Правления ФАР 15.09.2013, Красноярск) по управлению миоплегией в ходе хирургических операций ставят своей целью не только освежить и систематизировать информацию о современном состоянии клинической проблемы мышечной релаксации, но и обратить особое внимание врачей на малоизвестные и при этом клинически важные аспекты, в том числе обнаруженные недавно. Эти новые сведения и возможности, ставшие доступными в течение последних лет, еще не описаны в учебниках и руководствах по анестезиологии, но знакомство с ними позволит уже сейчас проще, эффективнее и безопаснее пользоваться столь мощным средством воздействия на человеческий организм, как препараты, временно прекращающие работу всех поперечно-полосатых мышц и останавливающие дыхание человека.
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