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  1. Palmer MS, Heigenhauser GJ, Duong M, Spriet LL. Mild Dehydration Does Not Influence Performance or Skeletal Muscle Metabolism During Simulated Ice Hockey Exercise in Men. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2016 Oct 21:1-22
  2. Magee PJ, Gallagher AM, McCormack JM. High Prevalence of Dehydration and Inadequate Nutritional Knowledge Among University and Club Level Athletes. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2016 Oct 6:1-27
  3. Matthews JJ, Nicholas C. Extreme Rapid Weight Loss and Rapid Weight Gain Observed in UK Mixed Martial Arts Athletes Preparing for Competition. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2016 Oct 6:1-25
  4. Irwin C, Campagnolo N, Iudakhina E, Cox GR, Desbrow B. Effects of Acute Exercise, Dehydration and Rehydration on Cognitive Function in Well Trained Athletes: Repeatability of Performance on a Choice Reaction Time Task. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2016 May; 48 (5 Suppl 1): 844
  5. Chlíbková D, Rosemann T, Posch L, Matoušek R, Knechtle B. Pre- and Post-Race Hydration Status in Hyponatremic and Non-Hyponatremic Ultra- Endurance Athletes. Chin J Physiol. 2016 Jun 30;59(3):173-83
  6. Keen DA, Constantopoulos E, Konhilas JP. The impact of post-exercise hydration with deep-ocean mineral water on rehydration and exercise performance. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2016 Apr 16;13:17
  7. Курашвили В.А. Спортивные напитки помогают молодым спортсменам. Вестник спортивных инноваций. 2010. № 20. С.20
  8. Sanz de la Garza M, Lopez A, Sitges M. Multiple pulmonary embolisms in a male marathon athlete: Is intense endurance exercise a real thrombogenic risk? Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2016 Mar 31
  9. Pallarés JG, Martínez-Abellán A, López-Gullón JM, Morán-Navarro R, De la Cruz-Sánchez E, Mora-Rodríguez R. Muscle contraction velocity, strength and power output changes following different degrees of hypohydration in competitive olympic combat sports. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2016 Mar 8;13:10
  10. Ozkan I, Ibrahim CH. Dehydration, skeletal muscle damage and inflammation before the competitions among the elite wrestlers. J Phys Ther Sci. 2016 Jan;28(1):162-8
  11. Tonacci A, Billeci L, Tartarisco G, Mastorci F, Borghini A, Mrakic-Sposta S, Moretti S, Vezzoli A, Faraguna U, Pioggia G, Guido G, Pratali L. A Novel Application for Cognitive Evaluation in Mountain Ultramarathons: Olfactory Assessment. Wilderness Environ Med. 2016 Mar; 27(1):131-5
  12. Zubac D, Antelj T, Olujic D, Ivancev V, Morrison SA. Fluid balance and hydration assessment during the weight-stable preparation phase in elite youth boxers. J Sports Sci. 2016 May 13:1-8
  13. Adams JD, Kavouras SA, Robillard JI, Bardis CN, Johnson EC, Ganio MS, McDermott BP, White MA. Fluid Balance of Adolescent Swimmers During Training. J Strength Cond Res. 2016 Mar;30(3):621-5
  14. Vukasinović-Vesić M, Andjelković M, Stojmenović T, Dikić N, Kostić M, Curcić D. Sweat rate and fluid intake in young elite basketball players on the FIBA Europe U20 Championship. Vojnosanit Pregl. 2015 Dec;72(12):1063- 8
  15. Houssein M, Lopes P, Fagnoni B, Ahmaidi S, Yonis SM, Leprêtre PM. Hydration: The New FIFA World Cup's Challenge for Referee Decision Making? J Athl Train. 2016 Mar;51(3):264-6
  16. Sommerfield LM, McAnulty SR, McBride JM, Zwetsloot JJ, Austin MD, Mehlhorn JD, Calhoun MC, Young JO, Haines TL, Utter AC. Validity of Urine Specific Gravity When Compared With Plasma Osmolality as a Measure of Hydration Status in Male and Female NCAA Collegiate Athletes. J Strength Cond Res. 2016 Aug;30(8):2219-25
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  20. Курашвили В.А. Предотвращение обезвоживания с помощью Телефона. Вестник спортивных инноваций. 2009. № 9. С.8
  21. Арансон М.В., С.Н. Португалов. Спортивное питание: состояние вопроса и актуальные проблемы // Вестник спортивной науки. 2011. - № 1. – С.22-28

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