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Цитологическая диагностика заболеваний молочной железы
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Доброкачественные заболевания молочных желез / И.А Куклин, В.В. Дворниченко и др. – Новосибирск: Наука; Иркутск: НЦ РВХ ВСНЦ СО РАМН, 2007. – 224с.
B. Brancato , E. Crocetti, S. Bianchi, S. Catarzi, G. G. Risso, P. Bulgaresi, F. Piscioli, M. Scialpi, S. Ciatto, N. Houssami. Accuracy of needle biopsy of breast lesions visible on ultrasound: Audit of fine needle versus core needle biopsy in 3233 consecutive samplings with ascertained outcomes The Breast 21 (2012) 449-454.
I O Ellis, S Humphreys, M Michell, S E Pinder, C A Wells, H D Zakhour GUIDELINES FOR NON-OPERATIVE DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES AND REPORTING IN BREAST CANCER SCREENING Non-operative Diagnosis Subgroup of the National Coordinating Group for Breast Screening Pathology // NHSBSP Publication No 50 June 2001 NHS Cancer Screening Programmes.
J.Y. Kim, M. K. Kim, J. E. Lee, Y. Jung, S. Y. Bae, S.K. Lee, W. H. Kil, S. W. Kim, K. S. Kim, S. J. Nam, S. Han Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy Alone after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Patients with Initial Cytology-Proven Axillary Node Metastasis // J Breast Cancer 2015 March; 18(1): 22-28.
K. HUKKINEN, L. KIVISAARI, P. HEIKKILA , K. SMITTEN, M. LEIDENIUS Unsuccessful preoperative biopsies, fine needle aspiration cytology or core needle biopsy, lead to increased costs in the diagnostic workup in breast cancer // Acta Oncologica, 2008; 47: 1037_1045.
M. Moschetta, M. Telegrafo, D.A. Carluccio, J.P. Jablonska, l. Rella, G. Serio, M. Carrozzo, A.A. Stabileianora, G. Angelelli Comparison between fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) and core needle biopsy (CNB) in the diagnosis of breast lesions// G Chir Vol. 35 - n. 7/8 - pp. 171-176 July-August 2014.
M.K. Shetty (ed.), Breast and Gynecological Cancers: An Integrated Approach for Screening and Early Diagnosis in Developing Countries, 2013 / Yun Gong ch 2 Breast Cancer: Pathology, Cytology, and Core Needle Biopsy Methods for Diagnosis p.19-37.
P. Mendoza, M. Lacambra,P-H Tan, G.M. Tsel Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of the Breast: The Nonmalignant Categories // Pathology Research International Volume 2011, Article ID 547580 doi:10.4061/2011/547580.
P. Pagni, F. Spunticchia, S. Barberi, G. Caprio, C. Paglicci Use of Core Needle Biopsy rather than Fine-Needle Aspiration Cytology in the Diagnostic Approach of Breast Cancer Case // Rep Oncol 2014;7:452–458
S M Willems, C H M van Deurzen, P J van Diest Diagnosis of breast lesions: fine- needle aspiration cytology or core needle biopsy? A review //J Clin Pathol 2012;65:287e292. doi:10.1136/jclinpath-2011-200410.
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