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Мукополисахаридоз тип VI
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Costa-Motta F.M., Bender F., Acosta A., Abé-Sandes K., Machado T., Bomfim T., Boa Sorte T., da Silva D., Bittles A., Giugliani R., Leistner-Segal S. A community-based study of mucopolysaccharidosis type VI in Brazil: the influence of founder effect, endogamy and consanguinity// Hum Hered. 2014. V.77. №1–4. P.189–96.
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White K. K. Orthopaedic surgery for mucopolysaccharidosis //Current Orthopaedic Practice. 2012. V. 23. № 5. P. 394-9.
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Мукополисахаридоз тип VI
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