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Список литературы

1. Шeлыгин, Ю.A. Справочник по кoлoпpoктoлoгии ⁄ Ю.A. Шeлыгин, Л.А. Благодарный II M. ЛитTeppa. - 2014. - с. 596.

2. Шeлыгин, Ю.A. Cфинктepoмeтpичecкaя градация недостаточности анального сфинктера ⁄ Ю.А. Шeлыгин, O.Ю. Фоменко, A.Ю. Титов, E.A. Берсенева, A.A. Myдpoв, С.В. Бeлoycoвa II Koлoпpoктoлoгия. - 2016. - № 4 (58). - с. 54-59.

3. Shin, G.H. Pregnancy and postpartum bowel changes: constipation and fecal incontinence /G.H. Shin,E.L.Toto,R. Schey//AmJGastroenterol.- 2015.- №110.-p.521-529.

4. Kepenekci, I. Prevalence of pelvic floor disorders in the female population and the impact of age, mode of delivery, and parity /1 Kepenekci, В Keskinkilic, F Akinsu // Dis Colon Rectum. -2011. - №54.-p. 85-94.

5. Visscher, A.P. Long-termfollow-up after surgery for simple and complex cryptoglandular fistulas: fecal incontinence and impact on quality of life / A.P. Visscher, D. Schuur, R. Roos, G. J. Vander Mijnsbrugge, W.J. Meijerink, R. J. Felt-Bersma // Dis Colon Rectum. - 2015. - № 58(5). -p. 533 -539.

6. Ternent, C.A. Clinical Practice Guideline for Ambulatory Anorectal Surgery / C.A. Ternent, F. Fleming, M.L. Welton, W.D. Buie, S. Steele, J. Rafferty// Dis Colon Rectum. - 2015. -№58.-p. 915-922.

7. Bharucha, A.E. Epidemiology, pathophysiology, and classification of fecal incontinence: state of the science summary for the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NΓDDK) workshop /A.E. Bharucha, G. Dunivan, P.S. Goode, E.S. Lukacz, AD. Markland, C.A. Matthews, L. Mott, R.G. Rogers, A.R. Zinsmeister, W.E. Whitehead, S.S. Rao, F.A. Hamilton // Am J Gastroenterol. - 2015.-№ 110. - p.127-136.

8. Ditah, I. Prevalence, trends, and risk factors for fecal incontinence in United States adults /I. Ditah, P. Devaki, H.N. Luma, C. Ditah, В. Njei, C. Jaiyeoba, A. Salami, C. Ditah, O. Ewelukwa, L. Szarka // Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. - 2014. - №12. - p. 636-643.el-2

9. Jerez-Roig, J. Prevalence of fecal incontinence (FI) and associated factors in institutionalized older adults / J. Jerez-Roig, D.L. Souza, F.L. Amaral, K.C. Lima // Arch Gerontol Geriatr. - 2015. - №60.-p. 425-430.

10. Nelson, R.L. Epidemiology of fecal incontinence/ R.L. Nelson // Gastroenterology. -2004 - №126 - p. 3-7.

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12. Townsend, M.K. Risk factors for fecal incontinence in older women / M.K. Townsend, C.A. Matthews, W.E. Whitehead, F. Grodstein // Am J Gastroenterol. - 2013. - №108. - p. 113-119.

13. Paquette, I. M. The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons' Clinical Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Fecal Incontinence / I. M. Paquette, M.G. Varma, A.M. Kaiser, S.R. Steele, J.F. Rafferty // Dis Colon Rectum. - 2015. - №58. - p. 623-636

14. Alavi, K. Fecal Incontinence: Etiology, Diagnosis, and Management ⁄ К. Alavi, S. Chan, P. Wise, A.M. Kaiser, R. Sudan, L. Bordeianou // J Gastrointest Surg. - 2015.-№19.-p. 19101921.

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16. Rockwood, Т. Η. Patient and surgeon ranking of the severity of symptoms associated with fecal incontinence: the fecal incontinence severity index / Т.Н. Rockwood, J. M. Church, J.W. Fleshman, et al. // Dis Colon Rectum. - 1999. - № 42. - p. 1525-1532

17. Cavanaugh, M. Fecal incontinence severity index after fistulotomy. A predictor of quality oflife/ M. Cavanaugh, N. Hyman, T. Osier // Dis Colon Rectum. - 2002. - №45. - p. 349353

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22. Rao, S.S. Diagnosis and management of fecal incontinence / S.S. Rao, American College of Gastroenterology Practice Parameters Committee // Am J Gastroenterol. - 2004. - №99. -p.1585-1604

23. Madoff, R.D. Faecal incontinence in adults / R.D. Madoff, S.C. Parker, M.G. Varma, A.C. Lowry // Lancet. - 2004. - №364. - p. 621-632

24. Arya, LA. Metabolites and microbial composition of stool of women with fecal incontinence: Study design and methods / LA. Arya, HE. Richter, E. Jelovsek, M. Gantz, S. Cichowski, H. Zyczynski, K. Dyer, N. Siddiqui, C. Carberry, С. Broeckling, C. Morrow, P. Kashyap, S. Meikle //Neurourol Urodyn. - 2018. - №37(2). - p. 634-641.

25. Zutshi, Μ Anal physiology testing in fecal incontinence: is it of any value? / M. Zutshi, L Salcedo, J Hammel, T. Hull // J Colorectal Dis. -2010.- №25. - p. 277-282.

26. Шeлыгин, Ю.A. Нормативные показатели давления в анальном канале при нeпepфyзиoннoй мaнoмeтpии ⁄ Ю.A. Шeлыгин, O.Ю. Фоменко, B.B. Beceлoв и coaвт. II Koлoпpoктoлoгия. - 2015. - №3(53). - c.4-9.

27. Фоменко, O.Ю. Роль aнopeктaльнoй мaнoмeтpии, БOC-тepaпии и тибиaльнoй нeйpoмoдyляции в диагностике и консервативном лечении анальной инкoнтинeнции у пожилых ⁄ O.Ю. Фоменко, СИ. Aчкacoв, A.Ю. Титов, Ю.A. Джaнaeв, Д.B. Алешин, Д.B. Егорова II Клиническая геронтология. - 2015. - №5-6. - с. 16-20.

28. Шeлыгин, Ю.A. Нормативные показатели давления в анальном канале при cфинктepoмeтpии на приборах S 4402 MSM и WPM Solar GI./ Ю. А. Шeлыгин, O.Ю. Фоменко, A.Ю. Титов, и coaвт. II Экспериментальная и клиническая гастроэнтерология. - 2016. -№8(132).-c. 46-50.

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