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Chapter twelve. Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. - Disadvantages of living in same house with pair of lovers. - A trying time for the English nation. - A night search for the picturesque. - Homeless and houseless. - Harris prepares to die. - An angel comes along. - Effect of sudden joy on Harris. - A little supper. - Lunch. - High price for mustard - A fearful battle. -Maidenhead -Sailing. - Three fishers. - We are cursed

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Chapter twelve. Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. - Disadvantages of living in same house with pair of lovers. - A trying time for the English nation. - A night search for the picturesque. - Homeless and houseless. - Harris prepares to die. - An angel comes along. - Effect of sudden joy on Harris. - A little supper. - Lunch. - High price for mustard - A fearful battle. -Maidenhead -Sailing. - Three fishers. - We are cursed
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