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1. Mechanical oscillations

Mechanical oscillations

These are the motions of particles (bodies) possessing repetition in time by any extent.

 Period of oscillations (Т)

This is the time of one complete oscillation.

 Frequency of oscillations (n)

This is the number (N) of oscillations that are completed in a unit time.

The SI unit is the hertz (Hz): one oscillation per second.

 Dependence between n and Т

n = 1/Т.

 Angular frequency (w)

This is the number of oscillations made in 2p second.

The SI unit is s-1.

 Connection between the angular frequency (w),   the frequency (ν) and the period of oscillations (T)

w = 2pn = 2p/Т.

Amplitude of oscillations

(А or хm).

This is the maximum displacement of the body from the equilibrium position.

 Harmonic oscillations

These are the oscillations which result in the observed quantity (displacement) (х) varies with time  according to sinusoidal or cosine function :

х = А×cos(t + jo),   

A is the amplitude;  w is the angular frequency of oscillations; (t + jo) is the phase of oscillations; jo is the initial phase (at t = 0).

Free or natural oscillations

The oscillations which occur in the system left by its own after being disturbed from the equilibrium position.

 Conditions of an occurrence of free harmonic oscillations

The frictional forces are absent in an oscillated system.

The elastic force occurs at the deflection of a body from the equilibrium position.

 Elastic force (Fel)

The force is due to the deflection of  a body from the equilibrium position, it is proportional to the displacement and directed to the equilibrium position (opposite to the displacement):

Fel = -k×x,

k is the elasticity coefficient.

 Natural frequency (wо) of free harmonic oscillations (calculation formula)


wо = Ök/m,

k  is the elasticity coefficient;

m is the mass of a body.

Period of oscillations of a mathematical (simple) pendulum (T)

Т = 2pÖL/g

L is the length of a string; g is the free fall acceleration.

Free damped oscillations

These are free oscillations with availability of drag forces (the frictional force).

Dependence of a drag force on the velocity of a body motion

Fd = -r×v = -r×dx/dt,

r is the drag coefficient dependent on the property of the medium, the form and sizes of the body;

v is the velocity of the motion.

 Damping constant (b)

b = r/2m,

r is the drag coefficient;

m is the body mass.                                              

Condition of an occurrence of damped oscillations

b < wо  (periodic damping),

wо is the angular frequency of free oscillations at the absence of the friction.

Law descriptive of damped oscillations

x = Aо×exp(-t)×cos(wd×t),

Ao is the initial amplitude;

b is the damping constant;

wd is the angular frequency of damped oscillations.

Amplitude (A) and the frequency of damped oscillations (wd)

А = Aо×exp(-t),     wd = Ö(wo2 - b2)             

Logarithmic decrement of damping (λ)

This is the natural logarithm of the ratio of two successive amplitudes separated by the period of oscillations.

l = ln[A(t)/A(t + T)] = ln[Ai/Ai+1],

i is the serial number of the oscillation.

Calculation formula for a logarithmic decrement (damping constant)

l= T,

b is the damping constant;

T is the period of damped oscillations. 

Forced oscillations

These are the oscillations at which the oscillated system is subjected to the action of an external periodical force (it is termed a driving force).


Harmonic driving force (Fdr)

Fdr= Fо×cos(wdr×t),

Fo is the amplitude of  a driving force;

ωdr is the angular frequency of a driving force.

Frequency of forced oscillations

It is equal to the frequency of a driving force (ωdr).

Amplitude of forced oscillations (A)



This is the achievement of the maximum (greatest) amplitude of forced oscillations at the certain value   of the driving force frequency.

Frequency of a driving force (ωres) at which the resonance occurs.

Amplitude at the resonance (Ares)

Total energy of simple (E) harmonic oscillations

E  =  k×А2/2  =   m×А2×w2/2,

m is the body mass, А is the amplitude, w is the  angular frequency.

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