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Медицина (ВО) ГЭОТАР-Медиа. Books in English

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Psychiatry : textbook

АвторыB. D. Tsygankov, S. A. Ovsyannikov
Год издания2022
The textbook meets the requirements of the valid State Federal Educational Standard and Psychiatry Curriculum. The textbook contains information on works of outstanding psychiatrists, scientists who not only have identifi ed the basic psychopathological symptoms and syndromes but separated out individual nosological forms of psychoses.

In the section dedicated to general psychopathology, descriptive psychopathology in evolutional forming categorical apparatus of the semiotics of mental diseases is expounded. In the section dedicated to specific psychiatry, the authors consequently prove the signifi cance of clarity of mental diseases basic definitions with analysis of systematization of psychoses and taking into account of the dichotomy nosology-symptomatology and content of ICD-10.

It has given the especial matter to the diagnostic and treatment of schizophrenia. Borderline mental disorders (neuroses, posttraumatic stress disorder, psychopathies) are described.

The textbook is intended for students of medical institutions of higher education.
Загружено 2021-09-08

Methodology and methods of educational obstetric history taking

АвторыA. N. Strizhakov, I. V. Ignatko, A. M. Rodionova
Год издания2022
The educational book has been prepared by members of the obstetrics, gynaecology and perinatology subdepartment of the general medicine department of Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Sechenov University). The authors have summarized the long-term educational experience of the subdepartment and domestic obstetric schools on the obstetric propaedeutics and methodology of the educational pregnancy and childbirth history development, which is an integral part of "Obstetrics" program for 4-6th year students. The educational book contains illustrative and reference materials, which will help learn a complicated clinical discipline and acquire respective practical skills and competences. The content of the educational book complies with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for higher education and of the program in specialist fi eld of education 31.05.01 "General Medicine", as well as with the requirements of the corresponding section of the steering documents in "Obstetrics" academic subject.

The educational book is meant for students of higher medical educational institutions.
Загружено 2021-09-23

Histology, Embryology, Cytology : Textbook

АвторыR.K. Danilov, T.G. Borovaya
Год издания2022
This textbook sets out the latest ideas regarding cell structure, cytophysiology, development, structure and age-related changes in all human tissues and organs. It reviews the sequential stages and critical periods of human development. Along with fundamental issues, much attention is given to the applied medical aspects of histology. Moreover, it refl ects issues of reactivity and tissue regeneration caused by extreme environmental factors including fi rearm, which have not lost their relevance today due to local confl icts and the spread of weapons among the population. The most complex organized histological structures and biological processes are illustrated by drawings, light-optical and electronic micrographs and diagrams.

The present texbook is intended for students of medical universities, military academies and foreign military personnel studying the specialties 31.05.01 General Medicine, 31.05.02 Pediatrics, 31.05.03 Dentistry, 32.05.01 Medical and Preventive Care, as well as teachers, graduate students, and clinical laboratory scientists.
Загружено 2021-10-13

Medical Informatics : textbook

АвторыV. P. Omelchenko, A. А. Demidova
Год издания2021
This textbook outlines the main issues of medical informatics. Information on modern technologies used in medicine and health care is given. The principles of storage, retrieval, processing and effective use of medical information, data and knowledge to solve problems and make decisions using computer technology are described.

The content of the textbook complies with the new federal state educational standards for the study of the discipline "Medical Informatics" in medical universities at the Medical and Preventive Faculty, Paediatric, Pharmaceutical, Dental Faculties as well as the subject “Informatics. Medical Informatics. Statistics” at the public health faculty.
Загружено 2021-08-04

Orthodontics. Modern Methods of Diagnosing Dental Abnormalities, Dentition and Occlusion : tutorial

АвторыL. S. Persin
Год издания2021
The tutorial is devoted to implementing modern methods for diagnosing dentoalveolar anomalies and deformities using computer software. The authors present original computer software package, developed at the Department of Orthodontics of the A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, to assess the aesthetics of the face, the shape, and size of dentition, occlusion. The obtained data are entered into the orthodontic patient’s case, approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

The book is intended for orthodontists, interns, clinical residents, and doctoral candidates.
Загружено 2021-07-05

Pharmacology. Part 1. Workbook

АвторыЕникеева Д.А., Бондарчук Н.Г., Аляутдин Р.Н., Фисенко В.П.
Год издания2021
This workbook has been specifically designed for international students of Russian medical schools who study pharmacology. It is supposed to be used as an aid for better preparation for Pharmacology practical classes. The content of the workbook corresponds to the Pharmacology course program approved for the third year students by the Russian Federation Ministry of Health and Social development. Part 1 of the Workbook consists of 16 units, of which 3 units are grouped under the heading of General Pharmacology, and the remaining 12 units are included in the Particular Pharmacology division. The units begin with Topics To Be Discussed to familiarize students with particular questions they will be asked at the lesson. Students will find it helpful to review Background information (brief description of basic pharmacological processes and characteristics of particular drug groups) and Key terms provided in each unit. The units dealing with Particular Pharmacology include classifications of drugs. As the name workbook implies it contains a variety of tasks for self-training, the tasks being presented in the form of multiple choice questions, tables, pictures and diagrams as well as clinical cases. In general, the book aims at better comprehension of major pharmacological topics including understanding of mechanisms of drug action which determine both their main therapeutic and side effects. Students will also find answer keys to check their progress. The authors hope this kind of training may be of interest not only for foreigners but also for other medicine and pharmacy students. Подробнее: https://www.labirint.ru/books/393796/ ...
Загружено 2021-04-28

Зубочелюстное протезирование у детей и подростков : учебное пособие на русском

Авторыпод ред. А. В. Гуськова, А. В. Севбитова, Н. Е. Митина
Год издания2021
В учебном пособии кратко изложена история развития протезирования зубов в детском и подростковом возрасте. Подробно рассмотрены этапы развития зубочелюстной системы, этиология и патогенез дефектов зубов и зубных рядов у детей и подростков, классификации дефектов зубных рядов у детей. Проанализированы принципы протезирования зубов и зубных рядов у детей и подростков, а также протезирование дефектов зубов и зубных рядов у детей и подростков при врожденной патологии челюстно-лицевой области.

Учебное пособие составлено в соответствии с требованиями, предъявляемыми к учебным пособиям по дисциплине "Ортодонтия и детское протезирование".

Издание предназначено студентам стоматологических факультетов медицинских вузов.

The tutorial guide briefl y describes the history of dental prosthetics in children and adolescents. The stages of development of the dental system, the etiology and pathogenesis of dental defects in children and adolescents, and the classifi cation of dental defects in children are described in detail. The principles of prosthetics of teeth and dentition of children and adolescents, as well as prosthetics of defects of teeth and dentition with congenital pathology in the maxillofacial area are analyzed and described.

The tutorial guide is compiled in accordance with the requirements for the discipline "Оrthodontics and children’s prosthetics".

It is intended for students of dental departments of medical universities.
Загружено 2021-06-09

Fundamentals of bioorganic chemistry

АвторыS. E. Zurabyan
Год издания2021
The textbook is based on modern organic chemistry and considers the structure and chemical transformations of organic compounds, especially those that have biological importance. Special attention is given to the chemical reactions that have analogies in living systems. The book contains about 250 tasks on all topics and solutions for them.

This book conforms to the Federal Educational Program on Bioorganic Chemistry for medical schools and universities. It is meant for students who study Bioorganic Chemistry during one term. The book may also be useful for teachers and students of specialized sec ondary schools with instruction conducted in English and colleges, whose main interest is medicine, pharmacy, biology and agriculture.
Загружено 2021-04-01

Obstetrics and gynecology : Vol. 1. Physiological obstetrics

АвторыSidorova I.S., Nikitina N.A.
Год издания2021
This textbook contains materials concerning the essentials of the modern organization of obstetric care in the Russian Federation. The volume I contains gener al terms, principles and mother-and-child healthcare system, which are aimed at prevention of complications of pregnancy and labor, as well as postpartum period.

The volume I of this textbook is devoted only to physiological obstetrics: regulation and functions of reproductive system, physiology of pregnancy according to trimesters, current trend in clinical obstetrics, aspects of physiological labor and postpartum period, as well as early neonatal period.

For students of the institutions of higher medical education, residents, postgraduate students, attendees of retraining courses, teachers, as well as general practitioners and obstetricians.
Загружено 2021-03-17

Obstetrics and gynecology: Vol. 4. Gynecology

АвторыSidorova I.S., Unanyan A.L., Nikitina N.A.
Год издания2021
Volume IV of the textbook presents the most important and significant information in gynecology in accordance with the Federal Educational Standard of the Russian Federation. This volume includes general knowledge on female reproductive system physiology, basic concepts, classifications and actual methods of diagnostic of gynecological disorders, principles of prevention and treatment. Emphasis is made on the occurrence of reproductive disorders and obstetric complications in gynecological disorders, which dictates the need to preserve the reproductive health of the population.

For students of the institutions of higher medical education, residents, postgraduate students, attendees of retraining courses, teachers, as well as general practitioners and obstetricians.
Загружено 2021-02-17

Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery

АвторыNikolaev A.V.
Год издания2021
The textbook provides topographic descriptions of organs and tissues in the regions of the human body strictly to the layer-by-layer principle and applies the terms from the latest offi cial international anatomic nomenclature (AN, Rome, 1999) both in English and in Latin. It also lays out the most wide-spread surgical operations.

This edition includes cases and tests for self-assessment as well as over 400 fi gures, both original and modifi ed from other manuals.

The revised and improved textbook is designed for the third-fourth year English-speaking medical students.
Загружено 2021-02-15

Obstetrics and gynecology: Vol. 2. Obstetric pathology

АвторыSidorova I.S., Nikitina N.A.
Год издания2021
The volume II of the basic university textbook is dedicated to the most important issues of pathological and operative obstetrics. The textbook information is organized in such way to combine classical concepts of main obstetric complications (etiology, pathogenesis, clinical symptoms, specifics of diagnostics and differential diagnostics) with up to date clinical recommendations, protocols and standards accepted and approved by the Russian Federation Ministry of Health and the Russian Obstetrics and Gynecology Society, providing a practical direction of doctor?s education, including general practitioners.

For students of the institutions of higher medical education, residents, postgraduate students, attendees of retraining courses, teachers, as well as general practitioners and obstetricians.
Загружено 2021-03-17

Biochemistry of the connective tissue. Biochemistry of mixed saliva

АвторыGlukhov A.I., Babchenko E.V.
Год издания2021
This tutorial contains information about the connective tissue chemical structure and metabolism, as well as the oral fl uid chemical composition and functions. The book reviews the issues of dental caries and periodontal diseases pathogenesis. The manual consists of two parts and includes clinical cases.

The tutorial is designed for students of specialty "Dentistry" studying biochemistry in English.

The book was prepared in accordance with the curriculum approved by the Educational Board of the Faculty of Dentistry, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University.
Загружено 2021-02-15

Клиническая патофизиология : курс лекций, тесты, задачи

АвторыП. Ф. Литвицкий, С. В. Пирожков, Е. Б. Тезиков
Год издания2021
The textbook for students, studying the basic course of pathophysiology in English, is organized according to the module principle and contains summary of lectures on the specific module’s topic, tests, clinico-pathophysiological and clinico-laboratory cases for training and control of knowledge, algorithms of solution of the typical problems, and also questions to prepare for classes, colloquia and final examination on pathophysiology. The edition contains the discussions of the subject matter of pathophysiology; its aims, issues, methods, and constituent parts. It summarizes the main concepts of general nosology, etiology and pathogenesis. In a concise format or in a form of schemes, it considers the causes, mechanisms of development, adaptive reactions, manifestations and outcome of the typical pathologic processes and typical forms of pathology of organs and physiological systems, including separate syndromes and nosologic units. Each topic of the pathophysiology course is supplied by a set of clinical case problems, tests for self-control by students, algorithms of solutions of the selected problems, and correct answers for the tests. This textbook is prepared for students and teachers of the English-speaking Division of the Department of Pathophysiology. ...
Загружено 2021-02-15

Normal physiology

АвторыDorokhov Ye.V., Karpova A.V., Semiletova V.A. [et al.]
Год издания2021
The textbook is designed to improve the efficiency of students’ independent work in training for practical and final classes in extracurricular time. It contains theoretical material, arranged in a logical structure, revealing the most important mechanisms and regulations of physiological processes, as well as profile material for students of General Medicine faculty. The textbook includes control questions, situational tasks and keys to them.

It is intended for students studying in the training area of 31.05.01 “General Medicine”, a course of Normal physiology. It can also be useful for doctors interested in the physiological basis of their specialty.
Загружено 2020-12-16

Русский язык как иностранный для студентов-медиков = Russian as a Foreign Language for Medical Students

АвторыЛинник Л.А., Петросян М.М., Леонова А.С.
Год издания2021
Учебное пособие содержит тренировочные упражнения, игровые задания, в том числе кроссворды, викторины, диалоговые тренажёры, направленные на формирование навыков речевой деятельности в профессиональной среде, диалоги из популярных сериалов о медицинской деятельности, тексты для чтения. Издание также оснащено системой QR-кодов, использование которых позволяет включать в процесс обучения видеоматериалы, аудиоспектакли, мультфильмы, интервью, статьи, чтение стихов, классическую музыку.

Может быть использовано в качестве как основной, так и дополнительной литературы.

The study guide is intended for students, who speak Russian at the basic level (A2) and using the intermediary language (English) in their study. This edition is based on the working program "Russian as a foreign language" (31.05.01 "General medicine").

The study guide contains training exercises, game tasks, including crosswords, quizzes, dialogue simulators aimed at the formation of skills of speech activity in a professional environment, dialogues from popular TV series about medical activities, texts for reading, also the manual is equipped with a system of QR-codes, the use of which allows you to include video materials, audio performances, cartoons, interviews, articles, reading poetry, classical music into the learning process.

It can be used both as the main and additional source.
Загружено 2020-11-26
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