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Медицина (ВО) ГЭОТАР-Медиа. Books in English
Sociology of Medicine: textbook
АвторыReshetnikov A.V.
Год издания2016
This issue is the second enlarged edition of the textbook 'Sociology of Medicine' by Academician of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Social Science Doctor, Doctor of Medicine, and Professor A.V. Reshetnikov. This manual analyzes the evolution, the place and future development of sociology of medicine in the system of modern scientific knowledge and in the practice of social systems functioning. The textbook sets out systematic knowledge on the most important topics and areas of sociology of medicine which give an idea of the continuity of the formation of medical and sociological concepts, theories, and medicine and health care models, patterns of formulation of medical and sociological problems and research in these fields, scientific instruments, rules of evaluation of scientific and practical activities in the health care system. For health care managers, sociologists, students of medical and sociological faculties, graduate students, teachers and experts in the field of sociology of medicine. ...
Патофизиология = Pathophysiology : лекции, тесты, задачи
АвторыЛитвицкий П. Ф., Пирожков С. В., Тезиков Е. Б.
Год издания2016
The textbook for students, studying the basic course of pathophysiology in English, is organized according to the module principle and contains summary of lectures on the specific module’s topic, tests, clinico-pathophysiological and clinico-laboratory cases for training and control of knowledge, algorithms of solution of the typical problems, and also questions to prepare for classes, colloquia and final examination on pathophysiology.
The edition contains the discussions of the subject matter of pathophysiology; its aims, issues, methods, and constituent parts. It summarizes the main concepts of general nosology, etiology and pathogenesis. In a concise format or in a form of schemes, it considers the causes, mechanisms of development, adaptive reactions, manifestations and outcome of the typical pathologic processes and typical forms of pathology of organs and physiological systems, including separate syndromes and nosologic units.
Each topic of the pathophysiology course is supplied by a set of clinical case problems, tests for self-control by students, algorithms of solutions of the selected problems, and correct answers for the tests.
This textbook is prepared for students and teachers of the English-speaking Division of the Department of Pathophysiology. ...
Internal diseases propedeutics
АвторыIvashkin V.T., Okhlobystin A.V.
Год издания2016
As a foundation to a successful career in clinical medicine every physician needs to be able to establish a good rapport with the patient, accurately record all presenting symptoms and signs, and finally make an accurate diagnosis. "Internal diseases propedeutics" offers a thorough grounding in the principles of the physical examination and provides a detailed account of the symptoms and signs of diseases affecting the body systems. This textbook includes chapters on diagnosis of pulmonary, cardiovascular, digestive, genitourinary, nutritional, endocrine disorders and diseases ofblood. The book covers both basic clinical skills, and high technology investigations and interventions that are utilised today by the physician. The "Internal diseases propedeutics" ensures that it will remain an invaluable source of information for all medical students and junior doctors of all specialities in their early years of clinical practice. ...
General surgery
АвторыGostishchev V.K.
Год издания2015
This manual covers the main parts of general surgery such as asepsis and antisepsis; bleeding; blood transfusion; the principles of resuscitation and anaesthesia as well as common problems encountered by surgeons in their everyday practice. Each of the chapters explains what and how a surgeon should do in each case. The fundamentals of surgery, general principles of clinical examination of patients, major clinical symptoms and signs of the commonest surgical conditions are also highlighted. The manual meets the requirements of the Syllabus for foreign students at medical schools and departments, confirmed by the Russian Federation Health Ministry. ...
Fundamentals of bioorganic chemistry
АвторыZurabyan S.E.
Год издания2015
The textbook is based on modern organic chemistry and considers the structure and chemical transformations of organic compounds, especially those that have biological importance. Special attention is given to the chemical reactions that have analogies in living systems. The book contains about 250 problems on all topics and solutions for them.
This book conforms to the Federal educational program on Bioorganic Chemistry for medical schools and universities. It is meant for students who study Bioorganic Chemistry during one term. The book may also be useful for teachers and students of specialized sec ondary schools with instruction conducted in English and colleges, whose main interest is medicine, pharmacy, biology and agriculture.
Case history of therapeutic patient
АвторыV. N. Oslopov, O. V. Bogoyavlenskaya, Yu. V. Oslopova et al.
Год издания2014
The manual provides a detailed plan of the case history with a sample of the case report of a patient with the pathology of the internal organs. The comments given for the proper understanding of the material highlight a number of issues which are diffi cult for the students starting their work at a hospital (state of consciousness, the defi nition of the general condition of the patient, etc.). Decoding and brief explanation of the abbreviations of laboratory blood and urine indices, determined by the means of modern analyzers, test questions with explanation of correct answers are given. The manual is intended for the 2nd and 3rd year students of the General Medicine faculty, but also is useful for senior students of medical universities. ...
Terminologia Embryologica. Международные термины по эмбриологии человека с официальным списком русских эквивалентов
АвторыКолесников Л.Л., Шевлюк Н.Н., Ерофеева Л.М.
Год издания2014
Справочное пособие содержит полный список эмбриологических терминов (Terminologia Embryologica, International Embryological Terminology. Stuttgart-New York: Thieme, 2013), подготовленный Федеративной международной программой по анатомической терминологии (FIPAT) и рекомендованный для использования во всём мире. В настоящем издании представлены термины на трёх языках: латинском, русском и английском. Над созданием русских эквивалентов терминологии работал коллектив авторов - членов Российской эмбриологической номенклатурной комиссии. Это ведущие учёные-эмбриологи России, заведующие кафедрами, профессора и члены РАМН. Данное пособие является официальным изданием эмбриологической терминологии, адресованным для русскоязычных читателей. Предназначено всем специалистам-медикам, преподавателям вузов и средних учебных заведений, научным сотрудникам, аспирантам и студентам, которые в своей работе (преподавании, подготовке учебников, руководств, учебных пособий, публикаций и диссертаций) испытывают необходимость в использовании правильных, принятых международным сообществом эмбриологических терминов. ...
Патофизиология = Pathophysiology : лекции, тесты, задачи
АвторыЛитвицкий П. Ф., Пирожков С. В., Тезиков Е. Б.
Год издания2012
The textbook for students, studying the basic course of pathophysiology in English, is organized according to the module principle and contains summary of lectures on the specific module’s topic, tests, clinico-pathophysiological and clinico-laboratory cases for training and control of knowledge, algorithms of solution of the typical problems, and also questions to prepare for classes, colloquia and final examination on pathophysiology.
The edition contains the discussions of the subject matter of pathophysiology; its aims, issues, methods, and constituent parts. It summarizes the main concepts of general nosology, etiology and pathogenesis. In a concise format or in a form of schemes, it considers the causes, mechanisms of development, adaptive reactions, manifestations and outcome of the typical pathologic processes and typical forms of pathology of organs and physiological systems, including separate syndromes and nosologic units.
Each topic of the pathophysiology course is supplied by a set of clinical case problems, tests for self-control by students, algorithms of solutions of the selected problems, and correct answers for the tests.
This textbook is prepared for students and teachers of the English-speaking Division of the Department of Pathophysiology. ...
АвторыKhaitov R.M.
Год издания2008
This textbook submits the modern data on all aspects of structure and functions of the immune system in norm and pathology. The most recent knowledge about innate immunity and the mechanisms of generation of adoptive immunity is presented at the organismic, cellular and molecular genetic levels. The information about the immune cell populations, the structure of immunocyte receptors, the intracellular signaling pathways, major histocompatibility complex, immunity genetic control, immunologic memory is given. The immune deficiencies, allergic and autoimmune diseases are reviewed. The possibility of phenotypic correction of genetically controlled immunity by the immunotropic drugs is shown. The textbook is supplied with the test examination program on CD. The textbook is intended for students, postgraduates, lecturers, practical physicians and scientific researchers engaged in various fields of medicine and biology. ...
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