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Rubber dam system: basic knowledge and practical skills for isolating the working field in clinical dentistry
Chapter 4. Rubber dam application techniques
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Table of contents
Chapter 1. Oral biology
Chapter 2. Rubber dam system — general information
Chapter 3. Rubber dam system components
Chapter 4. Rubber dam application techniques
4.1. Planning the use of the rubber dam depending on the clinical situation
4.2. Algorithm of work with the rubber dam
4.3. Primary clamping technique
4.4. Initial application technique rubber dam dressing
4.5. Technique of one-stage application of clamp and rubber dam sheet
4.6. Arc technique
4.7. Split-dam technique
Chapter 5. Alternative ways of isolating the working field
Chapter 6. Application of the rubber dam system in private clinical cases
Chapter 7. Common mistakes in use of the rubber dam system and their solutions
Chapter 8. Allergic reaction to the latex of the rubber dam
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