While studying this topic, you will:
- get information about nouns;
- get acquainted with the grammatical form of the nouns of the 1st declension;
- learn how to write prescriptions and write out the terms with attributes.
The lesson is divided into several sections:
- grammatical categories of the noun. Nouns of the 1st declension;
- grammatical patterns (Pattern 1: the direct object; Pattern 2: uncoordinated attribute);
- prepositions in the nomenclature of medicinal plants and in prescriptions.
DECLENSIONS (are defined by the ending of the Genitive case singular) |
I | II | III | IV | V |
f | m/n | f/m/n | m/n | f |
Grammatical categories of the noun
1st Declension
Nouns ending with the vowel -a in the Nominative Singular and with -ae in the Genitive Singular (e.g., gutta, ae — drop) belong to the 1st declension. They are all of a feminine gender. For example: herba, ae f (herb, трава).
Some of the words of the Greek origin belong to the 1st declension. They end with -е in the Nominative Singular and in -es in the Genitive Singular. Such nouns are all feminine. For example: Aloё, ёs f (aloe, алоэ).
Dictionary form. In the dictionary, every noun has got two word forms: Nominative and Genitive. The Genitive case is not mentioned completely (only its ending). In addition, the dictionary states the gender of the noun in the abbreviated form.
- gutta, ae f — drop — капля (Ist declension)
- medicamentum, i n — medicine — лекарство (IInd declension)
- liquor, oris m — liquid — жидкость (IIIrd declension)
- fructus, us m — fruit — плод (IVth declension)
- species, ei f — species — вид (Vth declension)
Memorize the endings of the 1st declension nouns in all cases
In Latin we divide the nouns into 5 groups (declensions) and each noun belonging to the particular declension is declined in the same way. These declensions are distinguished according to their basic sound (the sound at the end of the part of the word which is left after the removal of the Genitive plural ending).
| Sample | Gen. Plur. |
Group 1: 1st declension -a- stems | gutta | gutt-a-rum |
Casus | Singularis | Pluralis |
Nom. | -a | -ae |
Gen. | -ae | -arum |
Dat. | -ae | -is |
Acc. | -am | -as |
Abl. | -a | -is |
NB. According to the tradition of the Pharmacopeia, the names of medicinal plants and drugs are usually capitalised.
The example of the declension of the uncoordinated attribute
Casus | Singularis | Pluralis |
Nom. | gutta Menthae | guttae Menthae |
Gen. | guttae Menthae | guttarum Menthae |
Dat. | guttae Menthae | guttis Menthae |
Acc. | guttam Menthae | guttas Menthae |
Abl. | gutta Menthae | guttis Menthae |