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Clinical genetics
Chapter 9. Laboratory diagnostic methods
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Table of contents
List of symbols and abbreviations
Chapter 1. Introduction to clinical genetics
Chapter 2. Heredity and pathology
Chapter 3. Semiotics and clinical diagnostics of inherited diseases
Chapter 4. Genetic diseases
Chapter 5. Chromosomal disorders
Chapter 6. Diseases with hereditary predisposition
Chapter 7. Ecological genetics
Chapter 8. Pharmacogenetics
Chapter 9. Laboratory diagnostic methods
General issues
Cytogenetic methods
Techniques for mitotic chromosome preparations
Staining of preparations
Molecular cytogenetic techniques
Indications for cytogenetic analyses
Biochemical methods
Techniques of molecular genetics
General procedures
DNA diagnostic methods for hereditary diseases
Direct mutation detection methods
Indirect mutation detection
Keywords and concepts
Recommended bibliography
Chapter 10. Guidelines for treatment of hereditary diseases
Chapter 11. Prevention of hereditary pathology
Chapter 12. Ethical issues in medical genetics
Test questions
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