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Provisional Modular Control Test

Chose one the most appropriate answer.

1. One of the basic signs of biological death:

(a) no heartbeats;

(b) “cat’s-eye” symptom;

(c) no pupillary light reflex;

(d) no breathing.

2. A wound is considered complicated in case of injury to:

(a) subcutaneous tissues;

(b) vessels;

(c) muscles;

(d) skin.

3. To secure medial physiological rest position in the pelvic joint for immobilization the extremity needs to be bent at an angle of:

(a) 60°;

(b) 10°;

(c) 170°;

(d) 30°.

4. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation chest compressions depth for adults is:

(a) 3 cm;

(b) 4 cm;

(c) 5 cm;

(d) 6 cm.

5. Local injuries caused by electricity manifest in:

(a) convulsions;

(b) burns;

(c) laryngospasm;

(d) respiratory arrest.

6. In an about 5-year-old child with no breathing, the first thing to do is:

(a) clear upper airways;

(b) 30 compressions;

(c) 2 rescue breathes;

(d) 15 compressions.

7. First aid for Quincke’s edema primarily includes:

(a) sedative medicines;

(b) anti-inflammatory medicines;

(c) stomach lavage for allergens elimination from the body;

(d) antihistamine drugs.

8. Basic principle of first aid for dislocations:

(a) immobilization;

(b) setting the bone;

(c) bleeding control;

(d) X-ray analysis.

9. Venous bleeding is characterized by:

(a) spurting bright-red blood;

(b) non-turbulent flow of dark-red blood;

(c) dark-red blood sprouting over the wound surface;

(d) blood slowly dropping from the wound.

10. The best time to start first aid activities:

(a) first 30–60 minutes after injury;

(b) 2–6 hours after injury;

(c) 6–12 hours after injury;

(d) about 24 hours.

11. Pale cold skin lower the applied dressing is a criterion of:

(a) too loose dressing;

(b) too tight dressing;

(c) back to front dressing;

(d) correct dressing.

12. Unconscious victim needs:

(a) to be set in a stable lateral position;

(b) to be laid on his back and get his chest unfasten;

(c) rescue breathing to be performed;

(d) external chest compression to be made.

13. A man aged 40 has cut his forearm. A bright-red thin jet of blood is spurting from the wound. Which of the suggested ways seems the most suitable for bleeding control in this case?

(a) application of blood-stopping tourniquet;

(b) the vessel pressure on its length;

(c) compression dressing;

(d) the elevated position of the limb.

14. Basic sign of the fraction is:

(a) pain;

(b) deformation and loss of function;

(c) changed skin colour;

(d) swelling.

15. Man aged 24 has fallen from the building platform on his back. He demonstrated arms and legs numbness. On examination the rescuer identified involuntary urination and lack of sensibility and mobility in the limbs. What injury should be suspected in this case?

(a) spine facture;

(b) spinal cord injury and fracture of the cervical region of the vertebral column;

(c) pelvic fracture;

(d) limbs fracture.

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